3 Tips On The Power Of Magic Thinking
By Natalie Pyles
How You Can Acquire The Secrets Of Success... Achieve Everything You've Always Wanted: Fabulous Health, Fitness, Well being, And A Enjoyable More Balanced Life.
'Harness the power of belief'
Q: Ask yourself why am I just a middle-class failure when it comes to my health and fitness goals? Why am I trying to get ahead too quickly, easily, with little effort, that only represents a small step forward?
A: Take out a sheet of paper or hotel stationary it doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing just take these action steps and write the names of 5 people that you admire and respect in the health and fitness industry and for the way they take care of their health & fitness responsibilities.
Q: Next, ask yourself what do these 5 people have that I don't have, besides better health, fitness, and bodies?
A: Compare yourself with them on intelligence, the brains department, education, integrity, or personal habits. Finally, and lastly but most importantly what about your initiative?
Q: Now ask yourself to be honest with yourself and admit it, have you ever really stuck to one thing you've ever tried and stayed consistent with it?
A: When you get to this point your record will show you will be far below those of your 5 well respected and admired health and fitness role models, but your mind will be astonishingly clear. You will see your weak point for the first time and discover that you've held back..
Get rid of that little stick my friend, dig deeper and deeper and know that you are worth it! Quite selling yourself short no one else will believe in you until you do. Find that new found confidence and don't ever quite no matter what the odds are against you! I wish you all luck in your health and fitness dreams.
By Natalie Pyles,
Fitness & Weight-loss Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author & Speaker
About the Author:
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is WWW.MyfitnessElements.com. You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !