Yes, this Miramar personal trainer is about to spill the beans on the lifestyle habits of the world's top personal trainers. But before I do that, I'm going to make a stunning confession right now, I Randy Gruezo, love Hooter's wings, drinking mixers, occasionally eating Taco Bell, and YES eating Ice Cream. Yes I know, throw him into the dungeon, report him to the police for being an imposter. Seriously all jokes aside, for now, we are expected to live and breathe fitness on a daily basis.
Here is a quick story of what I mean. In a get together in my house my family, friends, and I ended up watching the movie 300. For those who haven't seen it, it is a movie loosely based on the Battle of Thermopylae. Anyhow, the reason it got a lot of recognition, other than the graphic violence, was because there wasn't a male character in that movie who didn't have a ripped six pack and had an awesome body.
During the movie, my brother-in-law, made a comment about me, saying that I've been trying for three years and still can't get my body like that, referring to the characters. At first, I wanted to respond back and put him in his place. But, I didn't. The response I gave is "It's not what I can do for myself, it's what I can do for my client's." I left it at that and it brings me to the first shocking secret about personal trainers.
Secret #1: We all don't have 6 pack abs and fitness magazine cover bodies. I know, I know shocking isn't it. Although most of us personal trainers would like that, it is not realistic for a lot of us. First of all, to go back to my brother-in-law's comments, I'm not getting paid millions of dollars to look like a god or at least a Spartan King. I guarantee you that if all I had to do was worry about looking good for a movie and my sole job is to train I would look like the actor's on the big screen. Ahhhhh, that would be the life, anyways back to reality. Fortunately for you I don't get paid to do that.
I have a wife, three kids (all under 5), and a business to run. My focus is not just on myself, but my family and my clients who pay me top dollar to get them results. I guarantee everything that I do. For that to happen, I have to be on top of my game, meaning I'm constantly thinking about how I can deliver results.
Don't get me wrong I'm not obese, a slob or anything like that. I do have some excess fat that I'd like to get rid of and want to be even more fit. Please, no finger pointing now. At this point in my life, I don't have the time to do that or inclination to do that yet. Let's put it this way my kids don't run me ragged and daily life is easy for me, energy wise. If you are paying me so you could have a trainer who looks like magazine cover models I have no problem with that too...But I highly doubt that you are paying me with your hard earned money to look good for you. Which leads me to secret #2.
Secret #2: We don't exercise all the time. Shoot, as a personal trainer we may only have time to work out only 2-3x/wk because that is what our schedules permits. Shoot... we may miss even a whole week, but we don't get hung up on stuff like that. That's right, we are like you to. Sometimes we have to make decisions not to workout, because life happens. That's not the ideal situation, but hey we need to pay bills, reschedule clients, and make time for family commitments too. The difference is we have the knowledge and foresight not to fall so far off track.
We try to take advantage of any opportunity we can get to "exercise." Speaking for myself, I could get an awesome workout in less than 10 minutes which even the fittest person will struggle with. If you are saying that's impossible, well, that's why my clients pay me top dollar because I know how to do that.
If I can't get my exercise in, I try to be good at all the other aspects of fitness so I don't fall so far off track. For example, I get my 6-8 hrs of sleep so my body can rest and recover. I also try to keep my nutrition and food intake on point.
Secret #3: We eat fast food too!!! Man, you must be having a heart attack with all the insider info I'm giving you. Again if we don't eat supportive meals, at the very least we try to make the best choices. For example, if I eat McDonalds, I select the new $1 menu wrap. I ask for the grilled version, even though it contains lots of sodium too, but hey you have to pick your battles. Anyhow, I get the wrap, side salad, and diet soda. Again not the best meal, but at least it will hold me over long enough to get a better meal next time.
It's all about making better choices. Fortunately, as a personal trainer in Miramar I have a lot of choices to find supportive meals even if I have to eat out. Now it's up to you to find those places and more importantly learn what those better options are if you don't know them already.
Secret #4: Personal trainers don't know all the answers pertaining to fitness and nutrition. I know for some of you that's hard to swallow, but that's the truth. Sometimes we could be wrong about something too. There is always new research that helps us understand the body more and we have to change our approach. Nothing wrong with that right? I probably have all the "elite" level certifications that a personal trainer can get, add to that a degree in Exercise Science, and then some. I still don't know all the answers.
There is not a time when a personal training client has asked me a question that I always had the answer to. Unlike some personal trainers, believe me there are a lot, I don't pretend and give you a b.s. answer because I'm scared to tell you that I don't know. I'll just tell you I have to look into that and get back to you.
I continually try to keep myself abreast of all the latest information out there in the personal training/fitness industry. However, the stuff I already know is going to get 99% of the clients I train, and yes even the elite athletes, the results they're looking for. This leads me to the final secret.
Secret #5: We didn't get you the results, you did it yourself. Nothing irritates me more in this industry when a personal trainer takes credit for getting the client's results. It may be symantax but let me illustrate this key point with an analogy, btw... you will come to know that I love using them.
If you were a millionaire would you like your college professors taking credit for getting you there. The answer is probably no, but why not? Didn't they give you the knowledge for you to make the decisions to get you those millions. Why shouldn't they take credit, if they didn't teach you you wouldn't be rich, right? This is how a lot of personal trainers in the industry think.
In this personal trainer's opinion, our main goals are to educate and coach. PERIOD. Yes that can branch out into other aspects of our job, but that is the foundation which everything builds from. If you are performing a movement wrong, we coach you how to do it right. When you're not eating a supportive meal we educate you how to make better choices, etc... You get my point.
Remember all we can do is coach and educate you. You still have to take ACTION on all the information we give you. Oh no, here comes another analogy. If I was to give the world a book that will guarantee a 100% chance they will become millionaires, do you think we will have 6 billion millionaires in the world? The answer is no! Some people will take action and some won't, that is just how the world works. My personal training clients get results because they listen and take action, all I provide is the best information and coaching I possibly can.
I hope this has shed some light into the life of a personal trainer. If you are thinking, "They are not as different as me", you are absolutely right! Cause we're not. The only difference lies in what we know and what you don't, but isn't that how all jobs work. That's why you hire lawyers, accountants, plumbers, etc... right? For now, this Miramar personal trainer, hopes that you will make less comments such as, "Aren't you a personal trainer?" because the biggest secret of all is we are like you to :D
Randy Gruezo helps dedicated and busy individuals achieve, at once unbelievable, elite levels of fitness in Miramar, Florida and surrounding neighborhoods. His unconventional, yet highly effective and time efficient fitness solutions are all backed by a 100% money back guarantee. Get his Free Report "5 Deadly Mistakes That Will Stop Your Fat Loss Attempt Dead In It's Track, and What To Do About It!" and more by going to his website
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