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6 Rules To Live By

By Chris Scott

Health is wealth. So goes the old adage, sickness is part of the fabric of being human and the real task is how to get sick as few times a year as possible, so how do you do that? It’s all about the immune system; because we all learned while watching star trek, when the shields are down. Bad. The items in this article show you some simple ways to bolster your immune system so you don’t have to miss out on a healthy life.

1. Exercise- This advice may start to grate for some peoples ears, but the truth is exercising is by far the best way to stay healthy. Here is a little anatomy lesson; The immune system uses the lymph nodes to transport pathogens (bacteria, viruses) out of the body, but this vessels don’t have a pump like the heart directly attached to them to move this waste material instead each lymph node is located directly under a major artery and the pulsation of these vessels are what is uses to move the lymph out of the body. So by exercising and raising your heart rate often you speed this process in turn leaving your system clean and pathogen free.

2. Keep off the grass- Not just those funny cigarettes, this goes for all types of “grass” out there (tobacco etc) if it’s not the usual leafy greens that mom serves on the dinner table, stay far away from it. Smoke not only causes cancer but also irritates the lining in your throat and can negatively effect your immune system. If you want to live a long Healthy life, avoid burning materials like the plague!

3. Smile!- Stress causes a certain hormone to be secreted to toxic levels, this hormone is called Cortisol, this increases the rate of oxidation or in simple terms ageing, and lowers the overall immune response of the body to fight infection, do your body a solid favor and don’t forget to laugh once in a while.

4. Vitamins- It’s always a good idea to supplement your body with the much needed essential vitamins and minerals, do this as a preventive measure and not as a cure. Vitamin C otherwise known as ascorbic acid is a powerful anti-oxidant, refer to the previous tip to fully understand what that means. It also strengthens the cells mitochondria; these are the power houses of the cell giving them that added resilience to fight infections. The cheapest preventive medicine for a beautiful healthy life!

5.Water- Proper hydration is key to insure that your vitamins are properly absorbed and that your system is flushing. Many people overlook this simple fact. Drink water and pleny of it!

6. R&R- Our body works like a battery, we produce energy thru the same mechanism a normal double A does and that is thru a series of chemical reactions, and just like batteries we need to recharge to sustain our function and the demands that we exert on it, be sure to get a good night’s sleep everyday and if that’s not possible for you make sure to make time to repay this so called sleep debt. A healthy life begins with at least 8 hours of recovery sleep.

Life is short as it is and living it in a hospital ward is never the way to go, stay healthy and get more out of your stay here on earth. Peace!

About the Author:

Chris Scott, CFNS, CPT is a certified personal Trainer and Nutritional Consultant in san antonio, Texas. His website is located at