1. Try to shop locally and respond to food concerns, which will drive you to make your own food choices & changes. You need to be aware of food standards and commercial food production.
2. As concerns about food safety and the environment grow, you will need a more proactive approach to shop for food that is local, organic and seasonal.
3. Appear interested when being a mainstream consumer in knowing the origins and history of the food you buy and eat, which will lead to an upswing in the number of local markets and co-ops you buy from and shop at. Before you know it you will be an expert.
4. When shopping ask for an accounting of how their meat and produce are raised and brought to market.
5. Look for labeling & banning of certain foods and additives, consistent definitions for food terms (organic, hormone-free, natural, free-range, etc.)
6. Moms be alert on healthier marketing (particularly toward kids) and a huge rise in the amount of organic products sold at chain stores should help you to be an active role model and create good habits early on.
7. Have a plan before going shopping so you know what to buy and be more in control of your New healthier lifestyle.
Your Friend In Health & Fitness, Natalie Pyles
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is WWW.MyfitnessElements.com. You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !
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