Just Do It!; 8 Proven Strategies For Staying On The Fat Loss Track
By Tim Rudd
Simple isn't it? This headline is short and to the point, no mistaking the message is very clear! But in fact sometimes 'Just Do It!' isn't so simple. I see people every day that have trouble doing just that, taking action and following through to achieving fat loss. So what is their deal, what makes these people so different from the others who can 'Just Do It!', follow a plan, whether it is strength training or nutrition and get the fat loss results they seek? I find it interesting when comparing the many ways in which people have different vices that basically stop them from achieving their fat loss goals. Now I do understand that bad habits are hard to break, but I guarantee in the long run they will be harder to live with!
So where do I start? What is the secret to getting through to people who struggle to stick with a regimen of strength training and/or nutrition? How about a list of 8 ways to Just Do It! 8 simple but effective strategies to keep you focused on your fat loss goals, no matter what they may be. I know how frustrating it can be to want something so bad and keep falling off track. I've seen it in new client's faces and heard it in their words when first meeting with them. This list came from my own experiences, whether it was from a book a fellow fitness professional, and sometimes even my own clients. All these strategies have one thing in common and that is to get you to 'Just Do It!'
- Write down your goals: It is one thing to have a goal, but completely another to write it down. Studies have shown that actually writing down goals compared to keeping them in your head to be a much more effective strategy in achieving success. This goal must be driven by emotion, a passion, something you really almost need to achieve. Remember that a Goal is just a dream unless you take the time to write it down.
- Write down how you will feel and look if you achieve your fat loss goals- Visualize this each day, pay attention to how that makes you feel.
- Now that you have your fitness goals written down, how about writing out how you're going to achieve this goal. What steps are you going to take to make sure that your fat loss goals are realized? You need to have a plan written down on how you will achieve your goals. Without a plan you're setting yourself up for failure. Now remember if you see a fitness professional they should have a plan written out for you to follow. A clear concise strength and nutrition strategy for you follow, and if you don't have a fitness professional then either get one or do some self education on what proper steps to take to achieve fat loss.
- Take Action: Easy enough right? That's what this whole article is supposed to help you do. Well if you've followed the first two strategies then taking action at first shouldn't be so difficult, it's continuing to take action that is the hard part.
- Failure leads to success- Sounds like an oxymoron right? But it's true; when you fail realize it's just a setback not the end of the world. Remember most successful people in any profession have failed most of their lives, they just didn't give up, look at athletes a .300 batting average in baseball is considered successful, so is 40% shooting in basketball and the list goes on and on. You've developed bad habits that took some time to get, now accept the fact that developing good habits are going to take some time also. Studies show that you can break old habits and develop new ones within 21 days. Just remember with each failure you must pick yourself up and stay positive, make no excuses take responsibility and learn from your mistake. The key is not to keep making the same mistakes, but to be conscious of it and fix it. Remember Rome wasn't built in one day and neither is developing new habits. One other thing you must do, you've already written down and visualized how you will feel if you succeed, in times of failure visualize how you will feel and look if you don't achieve your fat loss goals. Use this as motivation; don't accept anything less than what will make you happy.
- Keep a Journal- Keep a log of your training and nutrition programs. You need to have these logs, how else will you how you're doing. Nutrition can be as simple as keeping an adherence chart using symbols such as an X for a designated meal a 0 if you miss a meal and an * if you eat a non-compliant meal. This will give you the cold hard facts of your adherence each week to the nutrition plan. Now as far strength training goes you must also keep track of exercises and weights. This all can be compared to the results you're achieving. If the logs show progress with eating and a proper strength training program shows continual progress then guess what? You should see progress. If the charts show you're not complying with the nutritional part and missing strength training sessions, then your lack of results will coincide with your adherence. This is simple but very effective in keeping you motivated and responsible for your own success.
- Make your training days like an appointment, plan ahead know what days and at what times you will be working out. Schedule it in your calendar don't leave it to chance or you will make an excuse not to go. Don't allow yourself to fall into that trap, know what and exactly when you're going to do it, hold yourself accountable don't feel comfortable with missing appointments. Build good habits in this regard and it will become easier and easier to not miss, in fact you will start to feel bad if you do.
- Make sure you surround yourself with people who are going to support your goals. Having positive reinforcement from family and friends can go a long way in keeping you on track. Make sure they know what your goals are and what it will take to achieve them. They can also hold you accountable, and I'm guessing you're less likely to fail if you told everyone close to you what you're going to do. If you don't follow through now you have them to answer to, and believe me they will ask.
- Build on success- Each day try to do better than the last, achieve something new and exciting and continue to build on this. When you do this each day you will feel excited, motivated and good about yourself like nothing can stop you. It's a very powerful strategy, take advantage of it.
Okay there you have it, 8 proven strategies to keep you on the fat loss track. Remember you must take action and use these strategies to help you stay on track, don't wait until the perfect time, there isn't one as one great philosopher once said 'Jump and build your wings on the way down'. So I guess what I'm saying is 'Just Do It!'
About the Author:
Tim Rudd is a Certified Fitness Professional in Concord, Ca. He is the top persoanl trainer in his area, known for his fat loss results oriented programming. His website is http//www.fit2thecore.com