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Age-Proof Your Body (Part IV): 5 Proven Ways to Look and Feel Younger and Healthier with Fitness and Nutrition

By Dan Cardoza

Making Sense of Supplements

Even with dramatic improvements to your eating habits, it's still unlikely that you are getting optimal nutritional value from your food. Today's food supply is deficient of many key micronutrients and these micronutrient deficiencies can create problems at the cellular level of normal functioning cells that lead to accelerated aging.

Are Supplements the Key to Age-Proofing Your Body?

Every single day we are exposed to environmental elements, both internal and external, that damage important genetic material from the inside out and lead to premature aging. Examples include pollution, radiation, free radicals, and a whole host of unnatural ingredients found in our food supply. But can nutritional supplements play a part in minimizing the damaging effects?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES! While supplements should not replace sound nutrition habits, they can play a role of filling in the gaps left in your diet. Supplements act as a form of nutritional insurance to guarantee your body's cells are being nourished on all levels.

Top 6 Benefits of an Age-Proof Supplement Plan:

  1. Reduced Oxidative Stress
  2. Minimized DNA Damage
  3. Enhanced DNA Repair
  4. Improved Immune Function
  5. Optimal Gene Expression
  6. Hormonal Balance

What Products Should I Take?

While it is strongly recommend that you seek advice from a qualified professional regarding choosing nutritional supplements that are appropriate for your specific situation, the following product categories are ones you may consider when getting started:

Other Ways To Minimize Nutrient Deficiencies

In addition to nutritional supplements, be sure to integrate the following strategies for optimal results:

Should I Take Supplements?

The reality is that many of us live fast-paced, hectic lives and it is not always possible to get our fair share of these nutritious whole foods from natural sources.

If this is the case, a sensible supplement plan designed to compliment your sound eating habits may be a smart investment to provide your body with the micronutrient support it needs to fend off cellular damage and put the brakes on premature aging.

About the Author:

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dan Cardoza is a fitness & nutrition expert in Toronto Canada who specializes in creating custom programs designed for your unique metabolism, body type and personal goals. Visit Dan today at and be sure to request your FREE BODY BALANCE INSIDERS REPORT.