When was the last time you have literally gone "back to nature"? Was it as a getaway in a cabin, to go camping, hiking, to retreat from life, or what? Go ahead, admit it....there is something soothing about nature. Simple, uncomplicated, ever-present.... nature.
That is only the beginning of what I wish to address in this article. First, we all need to give time for ourselves: to recharge, relax, recuperate, catch our breath, refresh, whatever. We're human, it's the way it is, a fact of life, admit it.
Secondly, nature is always close by. However, here is where the path takes a fork in the road folks. Nature is also a great place to challenge your creativity and find yourself in an infinite surrounding to workout however you need.
So...Here are some examples for you to ponder and I can imagine to relate to or say/admit to yourself, "that's it! that's what I need or want!"
Obviously, nature supplies great natural resources in hiking, biking, horseback riding, kayaking, boating, skiing,rock climbing, exploring, etc. Let's take it a bit further.
What better back drop for stress relief than to take in some yoga in the natural surroundings, or meditation, or tai chi? What an enhancement!
How about being creative and do something you haven't ever done or maybe haven't done since childhood? Climb rocks and skip stones, swing on vines (or ropes if you'd rather)*just remember, safety first*, climb a tree, do "skin the cat" on a tree branch or chinups/pullups. How about walk on stepping stones or another fixed object begging for your skill? How about step ups on the tree stump? Perhaps you'd rather try your skill at log rolling in the nearby water *again, safety first always, always ALWAYS**. Or lateral squats over the log, triceps dips, pushups(incline and/or decline, plyometrics over the log (or other low object), biceps curls with rocks, bent over rows with a log or rock or object that can safely be lifted, or of what else can you think?
Are you getting a grasp on nature yet? Here's some more help:
N-not to be overlooked
A-adventure for creativity
T-take it as it comes
U-understand there are no rules but to be safe
R-ready for a challenge to/with yourself
E-explore and be excited to do so
OK, I think you have the idea. Now, in keeping with "nature" get rid of those head sets, cellphones, ipods, or any other device you carry with your tunes recorded. Use the sounds of nature to keep you and help you workout mentally. Exercise your senses. LISTEN to the babbling trickling brook, the birds, the scurrying of chipmunks, etc. FEEL the breeze on your skin and through your hair, feel the dapples of sun versus shade, feel/touch the textures of nature,etc. SEE the beauty and how awesome it truly is in an untouched or nearly untouched state. SMELL the flowers, ferns, moss, breeze's embrace, etc. TASTE whatever your mind creates and stirs within you (I do not mean literally eat something you have no clue as to what it is or in an unhealthy state. I mean, what do the other senses evoke your mind to send through you in taste? Just like a scent of fresh baked bread, without eating one bite, heightens a sense of taste within you.)
Get in touch with your inner child. We mature but the inner child is still within us, still just as curious and mischeivous as we dare let ourselves be. When was the last time you truly had fun with your workout and came away as refreshes, revitalized, energized, and charged as what I described above? What are you waiting for? Dig out that backpack and check it out!
Allow me to just remind you:
Crystal Reiber is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Fitness Therapist located in Somerset, PA. She is a sought after motivational speaker and her passion certainly is "crystal clear". Crystal is a product of her own fitness quest. Her website is www.crystalreiber.com
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