There is a great law of the universe that is simply stated: if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius stated it simply, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."
In other words, believe and you will succeed. I am not trying to be some motivational guru; I'm not trying to push "Stuart Smalley" positive self talk. What I am talking about is creating awareness about your beliefs. I want you to identify your limiting beliefs and proactively change them into beliefs that serve your goals.
If you master this skill you will not only achieve your health and fitness goals, but you will have a system for achieving anything you want. Before we go on, let me ask you a question. Did you just rationalize why this won't work for you? Did you come up with an excuse for why you can't lose weight or find time to exercise? If you did, you are absolutely correct! You won't improve your fitness of fat loss goals because you BELIEVE you can't and if you BELIEVE you can't, you won't.
"As you believe so is it done unto you." Sound familiar? Our beliefs can be so entrenched in our psyche that we often have negative thoughts and don't even realize it. Often our beliefs come in the way of questions. For example, "Why does this always happen to me?" Or "Why can't I get motivated enough to start exercising?" A belief isn't a "thing", it is a feeling. When you feel certain, you will find a way to make it happen.
If you feel uncertain, you won't even start because who wants to fail. The only way you can be certain you will achieve your fitness goals is by changing your limiting beliefs and creating absolute certainty that you will. If we tell ourselves something over and over again with enough emotion, it will become our belief. On the flip side, if you are absolutely certain about your limitations, then you have a problem!
Don't continue to look for the latest and greatest solution, fad or gimmick. It is not the answer and will only reinforce negative beliefs about your inability to be successful. Right now, you need to recognize that the fad diets, exercise gizmos or 30 minute circuit centers are ineffective technologies and that is why you failed. It wasn't you, get rid of those negative beliefs right now.
The answer is a well design and planned exercise and nutrition program. Seek the right guidance, get the right plan, get rid of limiting beliefs, and develop a new mindset with beliefs that get you closer to your goals. If you are a client of Fitness Together, you have the right plan. You only need to make sure your beliefs are not stopping you from getting into those jeans you like so much!
Let's look at some of the most common limiting beliefs and what changes we could make to get us closer to our goals:
1. "I know I am at an unhealthy weight. I never exercise, but I want to" First, simple wants and desires usually don't provide lasting incentive A goal is only made when it must be done! What belief can you have that makes it a must? New Belief: "I am losing years off my life everyday that I don't exercise."
2. "My weight's not that bad yet" If you believe it is not that bad, you are assuring yourself it will get worse. Your belief is saying you are certain it will get worse and then you will make a change. What belief can you have that makes it bad enough now to make it a must to change? New Belief: "My body is a reflection of how I view myself and my life."
3. "It takes too much time" or "I don't have enough time." This is a classic statement, but do you really believe that the most important asset we have, our health, is not important enough to devote time to? This ridiculous thought alone should make someone change this belief! This is a big one for many. So big, I feel obligated to give an example of a positive belief: "I must take the time for myself everyday because it gives me more energy to give more to (my family, business, church, etc.)."
4. "I don't have the willpower" Willpower is a feeling. What belief can you have that gives you enough emotional "Willpower"? New belief: "It's just as necessary to exercise and eat healthy in order for me to be successful in other parts of my life."
5. "Food helps me relax and feel good." New Belief: "Food is nourishment and not something to get feelings from."
After reading these examples some of your limiting beliefs may have surfaced or maybe some of the examples resonated with you. What is very important in shaping your new beliefs is not to use "softeners". In other words, make it a must and give it some emotional juice. For example, "I will never love myself unless I love my body" or "Exercise is the fuel that gives me confidence." Remember, if you tell yourself something long enough and with enough emotion it becomes a belief.
If you have read my previous articles you also know that a key to achieving your goals is Massive Action. Action today, not tomorrow or when I have time. Action right now! Here is your first action to changing your beliefs and therefore changing your body: First, grab a pen and paper. Write down what current limiting beliefs you have that are stopping you from exercising, losing fat, eating healthier or whatever your goal is. Write at least four limiting beliefs.
Okay, now write down at least four new beliefs you will have; beliefs that will give you absolute certainty. I want to congratulate you if you did this simple exercise because you just did what many won't do. You took immediate action. Repeated actions create momentum and momentum gets results.
Keep the momentum moving and schedule a time to read, memorize and reinforce these statements until they become your new beliefs! Get absolutely certain you will succeed and GET GOING!
Pete Piranio is the owner and fitness consultant for Fitness Together in Delafield, Brookfield and Wauwatosa Wisconsin. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Fitness Management and Busness Administration from Carroll College in Waukesha Wisconsin. He is by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
He is also Editor and Publisher of FT Magazine a fitness and lifestyle magazine. He has been an expert contributed to numerous books and publications. Additionally, he is a speaker and consultant to Fitness Professionals throughout the United States. Learn more at
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