I regularly see new clients who are frustrated and have negative feelings towards their diets. With the fast pace of modern life it can be hard to go to work, do household chores, exercise AND consume a proper meal. The two most common pitfalls are
One client in particular is regularly upset with her inability to follow a strict eating plan. She cites frustration with herself, making meals for others(not having time) and a busy lifestyle for this. Often, she even starves herself out of fear of eating the wrong foods!
If this sounds familiar or if you find it difficult to adhere to a plan, then here are some top tips I have used with some of my clients...
Always purchase PLENTY of the foods you will consume at the start of each week. Have them readily available, in abundance. In fact if you can cook foodstuffs that are used in various dishes then do! this saves on cooking times for each meal. So let Sunday be your cooking day, your preparation day: Cook up and prepare that chicken for the 3 days subsequent! Prepare spices and low calorie sauces! Make space in your refrigerator and portion out your food for each day!
Write out your meals for the full week. Yes, this may sound painstaking, but only has to be done once! If you ask your trainer or nutritionist, he/she will be able to give you lots of options so meals are never repeated in a weekly period. Keep this list in your wallet/purse, so it is always at hand. At the top write this down..."I will adhere to my plan, I can and will achieve my goals".
If you miss a meal, or feel guilty. STOP. Read what you have written on your eating plan. All is not lost if you miss a meal. You can regroup!
ALWAYS have plenty of healthy, low calorie snacks at you place of work. Keep them in your bag, at your desk, in your car. That way there isn't any excuse for eating the wrong things or missing a meal. Remember PREPARE for all eventualities.
Above all, life can be busy. Things can happen outside of your control. But if you plan your diet you need never be out of control with your eating plan.
Contact your personal trainer for motivation. Isn't that what we are here for? I spend most of my time motivating others!
Try these tips and take control of your diet, Prepare yourself for SUCCESS not failure!
Robert Morrison is a Certified Fitness Clinician with the IART. He operates RM Health & Fitness in Cork, Ireland. He has been published in Synergy 2006 and is due to be published in Synergy 2007. He can be contacted via his website www.rmhaf.ie
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