That is the question? Is drinking a diet soda instead of a regular soft drink, better for you? And does drinking a diet soda help keep the weight off? If you answered "Yes". Then this is something that you should read to get the facts.
If you look around you will see a lot of people who drink diet sodas, and yet they are overweight. So why do they keep drinking diet sodas? Well I did some research, and this is what I found. People like the taste of sodas and they think that drinking a diet soda is actually better for them. They also think that drinking a diet soda is going to help them from gaining any more weight...But is this true? Unfortunately this is not the case. In fact they gain weight, as a new study has shown, 54% have a greater risk of obesity when drinking two cans or more a day.
These findings come from 8 years of data collected at the University Of Texas Health Science Center. They report that they were very surprised to see that the risk of obesity was even higher, with people who drank only diet soft drinks, and when they took a even closer look at their data, they found that nearly... ALL the obesity risk from soft drinks came from DIET SODAS. There was a 41% increase in the risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soda a person consumed a day!
One reason this maybe happening is when people who drink regular sodas start to gain weight they switch to drinking diet sodas thinking that this will help. But it does not, and they continue to put on the weight. Another reason this happens is when you offer your body a artificial sweetener that tastes like it has calories, but does not, your body is alerted to the possibility that there is something there and it will search for the calories promised. When artificial sweeteners were used to feed rat pups it made them crave more calories then when they were fed real sugar. Which is why some soft drinks studies do suggest that diet drinks stimulate your appetite.
This goes to show you that maybe we cannot fool are bodies, and if we are drinking sodas we are going to be missing out on getting the nutrients we need for that day, like in milk, fruit, and water. I don't know about you but I defiantly don't want anything in my body that has been chemically altered, which is what they do to the sugar substitute that they put into the diet sodas.
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