Well you have heard this one before. “Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day”. This is so very important. Water is the universal solvent. Our bodies are made up of mostly water. Our bodies a giant chemistry set’s, constantly producing all kinds of chemicals to do everything from thinking to walking to sleeping. So if you do not drink enough water, your body will not function properly and you will feel like crap. And, did you know that if you are properly hydrated with water, you will lose weight a lot quicker, yup!
Water also helps to flush out the toxins that are in your system. Ever heard of those free radicals? The by products of oxidation. Do you know what that means? You have all kinds of waste product flowing through your body at all times. They contribute to your cells breaking down. They also mess up your immune system making it easier to get sick and a lot harder to heal.
Another reason I FORCE my RenuBody clients to drink more water it that if they are training with RenuBody, they will absolutely need it. Here is why. First, we are gonna make them sweat. We keep it fun, but our clients work hard! That is why we have testimonials and success stories like we do. Second, they are eating 5-6 serving of protein per day. The digestion process with protein uses a lot of energy and therefore creates a lot of waste. They need to have a steady flow of water to flush the toxins and keep your body machine running like a Ferrari. Third, our clients know that they will reach their fitness goals faster if they are fully hydrated. They have seen it with their own eyes by seeing the successes of our other clients. So, drink up!
Ed Downes – AFPA - Certified Personal Trainer
Paradise Boot Camp
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