A More Effective Way for Adults to Lose Weight
By Anna Dornier
Are you aware that your cravings may be linked directly to the foods you are allergic to? These days, many of us suffer from symptoms of poor health and early aging while the solution to this could be as easy as eliminating food allergens from our system. Whenever you remove common allergens like gluten, soy, dairy products, and refined sugars from your diet, many of the symptoms people are experiencing may completely go away. This, in a nutshell, is what a dietary cleanse is about.
"Many of my clients who have a difficult time losing weight benefit from a dietary cleanse," says Anna Dornier, founder and owner of Transform FX Fitness Bootcamp. "This is a way of giving your body a chance to do what it is supposed to do so you may fully absorb the nutrients you get from your diet."
Listed below are four reasons a dietary cleanse may be right for you:
Reason #1 Eliminate Harmful Toxins to Lose Fat
Toxins are found everywhere. We can get toxins from the air we breathe, the food we eat, plus the water we drink on a daily basis. The toxins we ingest wind up in our fat stores around the waist area because that is where our body is able to keep them away from our organs. Also, we have a tendency to retain more water when we consume toxins so that our body can dilute them and make them less harmful to our system. This is the reason why many people experience bloating or excess weight around the lower abdominals. When we do a cleanse, our bodies let go of these toxins. As an effect, our body can release the water from our fat cells. "My clients actually see a 5-10 inch reduction in their lower abs or the so called love handles when they go through a cleanse," says Dornier. The number of fat cells within our body will not change however eliminating water from inside the cells helps with the inch reduction around the midsection.
Reason #2 Eliminate Cravings to Lower Calorie Intake
We can easily locate refined sugar in our food supply. We can get them in large amounts for a very cheap price. Refined sugars can be found in its simplest form as table sugar or integrated into breads, pastries, pastas, alcohol and so on. Refined means the sugar has been completely stripped of its nutrients. Not only are we not receiving any nutrients from refined sugar but it additionally drains our body of its vitamins and minerals. When this happens, we can develop Yeast overgrowth within our digestive system. Yeast loves sugar so the more you feed it with sugar, the more you are likely to crave foods that contain it.
People who get rid off refined sugars from their diet through a cleanse are allowing their body an opportunity to grow healthy bacteria. This consequently facilitates better digestion and better absorption of nutrients in our stomach. Consequently, we decrease our cravings for sugar because of the decrease in Yeast bacteria.
Reason #3 Improve Digestion
There is a group of proteins known as Gluten which are commonly found in wheat and wheat products. Since they're dense and gooey, they help make things stick together. This is the reason wheat flour is good for baking and as a thickener in gravies. However, it's estimated that 50% of the population has trouble breaking down gluten in their intestines. When this occurs, our immune system views Gluten as a foreign protein which must be destroyed. This eventually harms our intestinal walls which may lead to swelling in the intestines. When our intestines keep getting damaged, it thins to the point that it starts absorbing materials that should have been blocked and isn't as efficient in absorbing nutrients our body needs.
By eliminating Gluten from our diet, we allow our intestines a chance to recover from the damage Gluten previously caused. Any puffiness will decrease and we can experience better nutrient absorption and more regular bowel movement.
Reason #4 Increased Energy
Our system responds to stress and anxiety by simply expelling hormones coming from the Adrenal glands. After we take in common allergens like sugar and even Gluten on a daily basis, our Adrenals could very well be overstimulated by way of long-term stress causing a decrease in the hormones it produces. This generates a feeling of tiredness, feeling rundown, coupled with feeling exhausted consistently. This is a problem described as Adrenal Fatigue.
Once we get rid off allergens from our eating routine, our Adrenal glands could get lots of recovery then it can perform much better. It will then initiate the most beneficial reaction to stress and put out the right amount of hormones into our system. At this point, most people will not likely face physical weakness or decline in energy any further. We may additionally discover that we do not need to rely upon caffeinated drinks including coffee or colas to manage our energy through the day.
Proven methods to Perform a Cleanse
A cleanse may be easily performed by basically eliminating widespread allergens which include sugars, milk products, soy products, along with gluten from our diet regime no less than twenty-four days. Completing this task for 24 days provides your body with plenty of time to get rid off toxins from your system along with offers you ample time to build healthy routines. For people who require more guidance and system while performing a cleanse, Anna Dornier has created a step by step programme called the 24 Day Challenge. Participants of this challenge experience all 4 benefits above as well as a typical weight loss of 5-12 pounds throughout and following the 24 days. For more information on this method, please go to www.EastBay24DayChallenge.com.
About the Author:
Anna Dornier founded Transform FX Fitness Bootcamp in Concord, CA. East Bay residents can find out more weight loss tips and strategies and information on Transform FX Fitness programs and services at www.transformfxfitness.com