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"Why You Should Use My Fat-Loss For Idiots Guide To Achieve Maximum Results!" Part 1

By Natalie Pyles

Part 1 of a 3 Part Series...

You are overweight for one of three reasons because one you're eating the wrong foods, two you're eating the wrong types of calories per meal, or three you're eating the wrong meals in the wrong meal frequency each day.

Think closely about what I'm about to tell you since it's going to change the way you think about dieting once and for all. At least that is my hopes for you in the long hall.

Food Is more powerful than you will ever know and it is more powerful than any prescription weight-loss pills, because the food that you eat can either work for you or agaist you. Let me repeat that food can either make you THIN or make you FAT. You don't get fat because of lack of exercising, thats a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

Also, the pattern that you choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any presciption weight loss pills. This is true because Your body is like an engine and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if you don't eat the right times your body won't utilize that fuel to burn those calories- and you will wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. ( Clue: You need to eat more than three meals per day to lose weight, but I'll talk to you more on the details later).

You have gotten over weight by eating the wrong foods at the wrong times in the wrong frequency. And guess what you can get SLIM by eating the RIGHT foods at the right times, in the right amounts, and right frequency each day.

I'ts not really any more complicated than that , and the way to start losing weight has nothing to do with starving yourself or jogging 2 hours a day.

The reason You cannot lose weight by starving your body ( using a low calorie diet) is because your metabolism will detect any major drop in calories and it will then adjust itself by burning fewer and fewer calories each day.

Let this be your first part of this 3 part series " Why You Should Use My Fat Loss For Idiots Guide To Maximize Your Results!" Let this sink in your mind and be a lesson to you of what not to do. Now, Stop Dieting and start thinking more about Intelligible Eating and Exercise. Thats another series altogether that I will be writing about so stay tuned for Part 2 and by for now.

Your Friend In Health & Fitness,
Natalie Pyles
Fitness & Nutrition Expert, Author, & Speaker

About the Author:

Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !