"Why You Should Use My Fat-Loss For Idiots Guide To Achieve Maximum Results!" Part 2
By Natalie Pyles
Part 2 of a 3 Part Series...
For example: If you begin eating 2,500 calories per day then your metabolism will adjust itself so that your body begins burning 2,500 calories per day.
If you try to starve yourself by suddenly eating 1,000 calories per day then your metabolism will again ADJUST ITSELF so that your body begins to burn only 1,000 calories per day. That's why you have failed in your past dieting attempts, that's why you always seem to fail when you try and starve yourself.
Now you know the reason why you can eat 1,000 calories per day and not lose any weight while your friends can eat 2,500 calories per day and not gain any weight.
Also, virtually every person in today's society is buying mostly "low fat" or "non fat" food at the grocery store, everybody is conscious of the "fat grams" inside the food they buy. However, people are getting fatter than ever by doing this and people are not losing weight by switching to the "low fat lifestyle".
Low carb diets have certainly become popular in recent years, but such diets often leave you feeling miserable each day (since they drain most of your energy and can leave you feeling quite awful each day).
Check out these facts below...
Did you know that several popular low carb diets are so strict that you cannot even eat a large apple during the first couple weeks? It's true.
Also, many low carb diets won't even let you enjoy a 'normal' restaurant meal (ordered without any carb restrictions) for many months after you begin.
Therefore, low carb diets can leave you feeling MISERABLE each day, which is not the answer.
What if we could show you a system of eating which was so different from anything else you've ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today?
Forget about your past dieting failures for a moment.
Just focus on one thought right now..........WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days?
Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body over the NEXT 11 DAYS, and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking.......because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.
That's right.....if you want to get NOTICEABLY THINNER IN THE MIRROR then you need MUCH MORE than just "positive thinking".
Okay.........get ready to be shown an Eating System which is so unique that you're going to be anxious to begin immediately.
FOOD is NOT the Enemy
Did you know that your brain controls the release of Fat Burning Hormones after each meal? It's true.
Every time you eat something there are 2 types of hormones released into your bloodstream, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage.
Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by the foods that you eat? It's true.
Our Diet Manipulates Fat Burning HORMONES
Our diet manipulates these hormones.........so after each meal your body will produce a greater quantity of Fat Burning Hormones...........while Fat Storing Hormones are MINIMIZED as much as humanly possible.
That's why you'll be eating MORE THAN 3 TIMES PER DAY during the next 11 Days, because to alter these hormones correctly you'll be required to eat MORE than 3 times per day.
You probably find it hard to believe that eating more than 3 times per day could be the solution to speeding up weight loss, right? We will continue this series in part 3 and for now let this information sink deep within. Bye for Now! Stay Healthy!
By Natalie Pyles,
Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Author, & Speaker
About the Author:
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is WWW.MyfitnessElements.com. You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !