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The Fat-Loss Mindset

By Josef Brandenburg

Success in fat-loss is 99% in your head. Yes, that is bad math because you will not succeed without a good program, BUT if you do not have the proper mindset then you will not apply your plan. This is not to say that you can think your way thin, or anything dumb like that.

Fat-loss takes lots and lots and lots of action and discipline – you've got to work your ass off in the gym, and diet your ass (or gut) off in the kitchen. BUT, the difference between those who DON'T and those who DO is in their thoughts. Take control of your attitude. Take control of your mind. Take control of your body.

  1. In fat-loss you get what you deserve, NOT necessarily what you want:

    Almost every day some one tells me, "I'm doing everything right, but I'm not dropping the fat." CLEARLY, they are NOT doing everything right because if they were, they'd be lean by now. Either what you are doing is working, or its not. No psychoanalysis needed. Fat-loss talk, and BS runs marathons (and most marathon runners still have rolls around their mid-sections).

    Take home point: If you are not getting the results that you want, then you're not doing what it takes to get them – end of story. In fat-loss all we have is cold, hard, emotionless and story-less numbers. The numbers tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Either you need to improve your compliance, improve your plan, or do both (do NOT adjust your plan until you are actually following it).

  2. I know you don't feel like it, DO IT ANYWAY:

    Successful people are simply those who do what the failures won't. Successful people do not want to do it anymore than the failures do, but they still follow through.

    You will feel like breaking
    your diet 100x per day, follow
    it anyway.

    You will feel like skipping
    workouts, do them ALL anyway.

    You will feel like cheating,

    Take home point: There will be many, many, many times during your fat-loss program that you will not feel like following your plan – its called being human. When it is time to decide between following the plan and getting lean, and breaking the diet and staying fat, ignore your emotions and go for the goal – go for the body you want. Go for the body you deserve. Do what you know you must, even though you do not feel like it.

    In time, you will condition yourself to be in the habit of doing the right thing. That takes time. And, not only will you look MUCH better in the mirror, but you will also feel great about yourself on the inside. Consistent self-discipline breads confidence, self-respect, and of course, fat-loss.

  3. Have a burning desire:

    The reason that successful people can say "no" to the instant gratification of breaking their diet, or skipping workouts is because they are saying "YES" to something bigger and better than quick, cheap thrills. They are saying "YES" to their vision, their goal – the body they want.

    In 1953 Yale did a study of their graduating class, and found that only 3% of them had written goals with plans for their achievement. In 1973 Yale followed-up with the class of '53, and discovered that the 3% with goals were worth more money than the ENTIRE other 97% combined.

    Take home point: If you have not already done so, GET UP RIGHT NOW! GO FIND AN INDEX CARD. WRITE DOWN YOUR GOAL. WRITE DOWN THE DATE YOU ARE TO ACHIEVE THIS GOAL. WRITE DOWN HOW MUCH FAT YOU NEED TO LOSE PER WEEK IN ORDER TO ARRIVE AT YOUR GOAL ON TIME. Do NOT delay, do this immediately. You've got a customized plan that you paid me for – follow it.

    Upon rising, and before going to sleep think about what it will be like to have the body you want. See the fat-loss. Feel the clothes fitting better. This should take 1-2min to see, feel, hear it. This will help to create a burning desire inside of you – the powerful YES so that you can say no.

  4. NOTHING tastes as good as being lean feels:

    100-200 times per day, you will have the opportunity to chose between fat-loss and fat-gain, because of what you choose to eat. Its ALL choice – anyone who says otherwise is delusional. Do you want to be lean, or do you want to eat those cookies? They are mutually exclusive – one or the other.

  5. Excuses are the MOST fattening substance known to man:

    There is a direct correlation between the number of times you say "but," and the size of your butt or the girth of your gut. Here's how you test whether what you're saying is a good reason, or an excuse: Tell your story to your fat cells. If they say, "Aw, we understand. We'll let you off the hook, we won't turn that food into fat. You had a good reason, it would have been really tough to stick to your diet that time." Then, it's a good reason. If your fat cells ignore your excuse, suck it up and follow your plan.

    Take home point: Either you will have excuses, or you will have fat-loss. If you mess up, take it like a man (or woman) and let it be a mistake that you made. Do not defend your behavior. Do not make-up a story. Acknowledge that fact that you messed-up, and resolve to do better. It's not OK, and no sob story can ever make it OK. Just start doing it right ASAP.

  6. There are two pains in life:

    Either you will have the self-imposed pain of discipline, or you will have the inescapable, crushing pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, and regret weighs tons (in this case regret is really, really heavy). Either way, its going to hurt, you get to choose when.

    Discipline will hurt now, and you have to do it to yourself. BUT, in time, you will have great and lasting pleasure in success – in the body you want. Regret feels good right now. How about TV and a pint of Chunky Monkey, instead of lifting and a salad? That sounds great! BUT, in time you will have great and lasting pain – you'll still be fat (if not fatter), feel terrible about yourself, and be well on your way to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It's your choice.

About the Author:

Josef Brandenburg is an award-winning fat-loss expert based in DC, specializing in helping normal, busy people create the bodies they want, in the time that they actually have. He is also author of "The Body You Want." Visit his Website to find out more!