The Biggest Myth In Fat-Loss
By Josef Brandenburg
Despite the hype, aerobic exercise is actually the least efficient way to stimulate fat-loss. Instead, high-intensity exercise like resistance training and intervals will not only burn more calories during the workout, they will also keep your metabolism boosted for the next 12-36 hours after you finish working out.
Don't Believe The Hype
While it is true that aerobic exercise burns extra calories, it is NOT true that is an efficient way to burn them, or to stimulate fat-loss.
If you were to go for a 45min jog, you would burn extra calories for about 45min. That works out to about 286 calories (do that 12-13 more times and you'll drop a pound of body fat – very slow fat-loss). That is definitely better than watching TV. BUT, once you finish the jog, then that is all the metabolic boost you're going to get.
Let's take that same 45min and do something better – 30min of a resistance training circuit (squats, lunges, push-ups, etc., no pink dumbbells allowed if you want results) + 15min of high intensity interval training. That comes out to 464 calories burned (62% more in the exact same amount of time). PLUS, your metabolism will now be elevated for the next 24-36 hours!
That metabolic boost has been estimated to be between 10-15 extra calories/hour. Or, 240 to 540 extra calories burned during the rest of the day when you are not working out. Your resistance + interval workout is worth at least 2.5 of your jogging workouts in the same time invested (740 vs. 286 calories burned). That is more fat-loss in less time.
Research has shown that 15min of interval training will stimulate 450% MORE fat-loss than 50min of steady-state aerobic exercise!
What About The Fat Burning Zone?
Doesn't exist. Yes, at lower intensities you will burn a greater percentage of calories from fat. BUT, that is a bigger percentage of a MUCH smaller number, so it is actually LESS fat-loss overall.
In addition, high intensity exercise causes your body to burn more of its calories from fat for the 23hrs in a day when you are not exercising. Lower intensity exercise has no such affect. In other words, you can literally stimulate fat-loss in your sleep.
What's The Catch?
The catch is that you have to work your butt off, and get really, really sweaty in the time that you actually do spend working out. You cannot read a magazine or have a leisurely chat with your friends while doing a workout that actually gets results.
What Do I Do?
Replace your steady state aerobics routine with high intensity intervals on any piece of equipment to take a ride on the fat-loss super highway:
A. Warm-up: 3min
B. Go VERY fast (9-10 on scale of 1-10): 1min
C. Recovery pace (6 on scale of 1-10): 2min
D. Repeat B & C 4-5x (you should be winded after every B)
E. Cool down: 3min (tot time – 21min)
About the Author:
Josef Brandenburg is an award-winning fat-loss expert based in DC, specializing in helping normal, busy people create the bodies they want, in the time that they actually have. He is also author of "The Body You Want." Visit his
Website to find out more!