The Procrastinator's Guide to Easily Losing Weight
By Dennis Carroll
I was going to write this article a couple of months back, before beach weather, you know, the time when everybody wants to lose weight and look their best. But I kept putting it off. I admit it.
Okay, so you figured out that I'm a procrastinator, but why am I writing about losing weight? I'm also a professional health and fitness coach, and I have helped hundreds of people lose weight over the years.
Now for the hard parts: convincing you that you can easily lose weight, and getting you to start now (you are a procrastinator, aren't you?).
Pay close attention NOW. I'm going to walk you through 4 EASY steps that will get you on your way to a slimmer, sexier you!
Step One; See the end from the beginning. 'Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the heck does that mean?' you asked. Or at least I imagined you asked. It simply means that to get to where we are going, we have to know where we want to go, don't we? Right. Now, and I mean NOW, perform this simple visualization exercise. Close your eyes and create, as detailed as possible, a picture of yourself the way you want to look. Got it? Hold on to that picture.
Step Two; Okay, stop. We have to talk. Did you do the first step? You didn't think I 'd forget my audience did you? Right now, go back and do the first step. Before you read any further. Go on
if not, just give this article to someone who will DO the steps and actually lose weight. Geez!
Step Three; Now, go get your calendar and choose an exact date by which you would like to achieve the weight loss. Now! Go
Okay, you have the date? (A word of caution here- any more than 1 pound per week is unhealthy for most people and usually temporary at best. If you are unsure what is right for you, consult a professional).
Step Four; Here is where it get's slightly more complicated. Just hang in there, we got this far and after all, when was the last time you started something right away? There is power in momentum, keep going. Go to On that site is a simple metabolic calculator. This will help you estimate your daily calorie expenditure. Subtract 500 from that number. The number left is your estimated caloric intake needed to sustain weight loss of 1 pound per week. Go do that now, we'll finish up when you get back.
So now you have a plan in place. You ready to start? I sincerely hope so. BUT, I have a sneaky suspicion
you're not. And if that is because you still feel overwhelmed, you are not alone.
Procrastinators (like myself) can always find a few more reasons to wait; ' I don't know what to eat' is a common excuse. Or, 'I need someone to help me at the grocery store'. Boy if I had a nickel for every time I heard.. Oh, never mind.
Any way, if you find yourself still procrastinating, hit the easy button. Call a professional. They can and will (for a fee) provide you with your exact metabolic profile and determine exactly how long it should take you to safely lose the weight AND KEEP IT OFF. They should also be able to create custom shopping lists and customized meal templates for your specific needs. All you have to do is to follow a customized, spelled out to a T plan. It really is that simple.
If I'm not mistaken, I just took away your last excuse. That weight is not going away on it's own. So get up and take action NOW!
About the Author:
Dennis Carroll is founder of Premier Personal Training in West Chester. He is a nationally certified fitness expert and contributing author to the Fitness Experts Network. He can be reached at . His website is