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How To “Fit” Fitness Into Your Hectic Schedule - 7 Quick Tips To Make Exercise A Daily Habit!

By Peter Vasilis

Nowadays everyone seems to lead such busy lives, fitting in fitness can be an owverwhelming challenge. Everyone you speak to is always so “busy.” As a result, a common excuse I so often hear from non-exercisers is, “I don’t have time to exercise.”

In essence what these people are really saying is, “I don’t have time to take care of my health.”

In my opinion, not having the time for exercise is a flimsy excuse at best. The bottom line is if you want to improve your health, lose weight and/or increase your fitness level, then you must make time for exercise. You simply cannot use time as an excuse anymore.

The following 7 tips will help anyone find a way to fit exercise into their hectic schedule:

Wake up one hour earlier each day – The morning is the best time to exercise. An early morning workout kicks in “feel good” hormones called endorphins that are like giving you a jump start to your day. You will feel more energized, alert and more motivated throughout the day.

Shorten your workouts – Last time I checked there is not a written rule that states one must exercise for one hour or more during any given exercise session. Yet that seems to be the “magic” number would-be exercisers think is necessary in order to achieve results. Fact is you can get great results in as little as 20-30 minutes.

Perform cardio & weight training on separate days – Instead of performing a mega workout of one hour or more, encompassing both weight and cardio training, divide your weight training and cardio workouts into 20-30 minute alternating sessions performed more frequently throughout the week.

Increase your exercise intensity – Instead of going to the gym and proceeding to go through the motions of your routine, pick up the intensity and work harder instead of longer. Take shorter rest periods between exercises and limit the idle chat. This will result in shorter workouts and far more productive results.

Workout at home – You don’t have to go to a gym or fitness centre to get into great shape. You can achieve dramatic results in the privacy of your own home. Your in home workout may consist of dumbbells, resistance bands, the stability ball and bodyweight exercises.

Keep it simple – If you have very limited time, instead of doing nothing perform some quick bodyweight callisthenic exercises including pushups, back extensions, squats, lunges and ab crunches. For cardio take a brisk walk or jog in place. If you only have ten minutes to spare it is better than nothing.

Hire a personal fitness trainer – A qualified personal trainer can help take a lot of the guesswork out of designing a productive fitness routine, thus saving you a lot of wasted time finding out what doesn’t work through trial and error. The personal trainer should be capable of designing shorter more intense workouts that will deliver incredible results in less time and keep you motivated to reach your fitness goals.

So, there you have it, 7 excuse busting tips for fitting exercise into anyone’s hectic schedule. Now you can’t say you don’t have the time to exercise, we have just created the time.

So now what is your excuse?

Now that you have the time, begin your journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle today!

About the Author:

Peter Vasilis is a total body transformation specialist available for private and group fitness training, fitness/weight loss coaching and consultations. For further fitness and/or weight loss related questions or more information on his “Beach Body Boot Camp” fitness and nutritional program visit

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