How to Trim Down and Tone Up
By Jason Zaretzky
It's time to trim down and tone up with Optimal Fat Loss Training. With our society being as fat as it is and being a fitness Expert, I guess it's pretty obvious that I deal with people seeking fat loss on a daily basis. So what I'm going to reveal to you today is 5 surefire ways to get you off to the right start. These are the exact 5 strategies I use with not only with myself (when I'm on a fat loss plan), but all my training clients as well.
I call it Optimal Fat Loss Training!!!
If you apply these 5 tips I promise, you will see dramatic results!
Here are your 5 optimal fat loss training Guidelines;
1.) Eat breakfast every day & then every 3 hours after
I can't put enough emphasis on nutrition, especially in terms of a fat loss goal. You can do all the exercise, you want, but if you are not fueling your engine correctly, you will simply waste your time in the gym. With our Optimal Fat loss training program we put an extra emphasis on nutrition.
Instead of giving you the boring nutrition 101 talk, let's cut to the chase. Here is what you need to do for Optimal Fat loss;
Get a protein rich meal preferably with some green veggies within a half hour of waking up, and repeat every 3 hours until you go to bed.
Save your carbs (starches) for after your workouts. Science has proven that it is ok to eat starchy carbs (rice, potatoes, etc…). However, we are now finding out that it is even better to only allow these carbs post workout. The reason being is that when you consume starch immediately after workouts, your body will soak up those carbs and put you in an optimal fat burning state.
Drink at least half you body weight in ounces of water a day. Again, this will put your in optimal fat loss mode, so just do it. FYI - juices, sodas, coffee, and tea do not count as water. The more water you drink, the more you flush out (with others toxins and fat holding cells), the leaner you are!
Go on the green eyes diet. In term of what to eat, use the green eyes principles. Basically eat anything green, and anything that has or had eyes at some point.
2.) Get off Your fat and get you fat off (Paul Chek)
This is a quote from the great Paul Chek that I absolutely love, and to tell you the truth it's what the Optimal Fat loss training program is all about. Simply get off your butt and move. The more you do that the less fat you will have on your body. In terms of what types of exercise to do, that get gets a little complicated (an article of its own really). For now start with what I call the optimal fat loss starter program, Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, at least 6 days per week. Look to get in 3 days of total body resistance training based workouts (stay tuned for a sample Optimal fat loss training program soon!), followed by 3 days of some form of cardio (preferably interval based) and core training in. If you are really bold and want to up the optimal fat loss training program to another level, you may double up and do a combo of the above 4-6 days per week.
3.) Use the force - The Power of mind Set
This is for all my Star Wars fans out there. Use the force. Now I don't mean to use Luke Skywalker force, although that would help if you could. What I mean is get you mind in the right state of mind. In order to achieve Optimal Fat Loss, you need to have the right mind set. Here are some things you need to have in check in your noggin;
Be positive
Be patient
Be confident you can do it
Believe in your self
Have unstoppable will power
4.) Set SMART Goals
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all set goals in our heads every day (especially weight loss goals), but how many times have you actually sat down and put your fat loss goals on paper? I'm guessing not many. Did you know that you are more likely to achieve goals that are actually written down? I know, it sound cheesy, but it really works.
So, tip number 4 for Optimal Fat Loss is setting SMART goals. By SMART, I don't mean brainy smart, SMART is an acronym for the following'
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timely
To achieve the body of your dreams, you need to take this Optimal Fat Loss t training tip very seriously. When you sit down and set your goals you need to set a goal that is as specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Remember the more specific you are, the easier it will be to measure, the easier it will be able to attain. In addition, being a realist will only help all the above. I know we all want to look like Jennifer Anniston now, but be real with yourself, make that the long term goal, and start with a more realistic goal. Now, the T. timely. It has been proven that people under a deadline get $h*t done. So with your Optimal Fat Loss plan, it is absolutely imperative to set a specific day, date, time you get the picture.
Here is an example of a SMART goal for optimal fat loss;
"I will lose 8 pounds of fat, fit into my skinny jeans, in the next 6 weeks".
5.) Get a Social Network for support
Just like the Verizon commercials. The bigger and the better the support you have the easier it will be to achieve your goals. So tell everybody what you plan on doing and how serious you are. That way it will help keep you accountable, and the family, friends, and co-workers that know what you are trying to accomplish, will give you motivation and support around the clock. There you have it, 5 quick and easy ways to begin your journey with optimal fat loss training. As I mention earlier all you have to do is apply these simple little steps and you will start seeing fat loss results within days. Stay tuned as I will go even further into the optimal fat loss training program for specifics of the actual workout plan. I'll even include a sample workout from the soon to be released Optimal Fat Loss Training book series.
About the Author:
Jason Zaretzky is Owner and Program Director of Optimal Performance Training. He specializes in athletic performance enhancement, corrective exercise, and physique alteration. Jason is committed to optimizing your results. He has helped a countless number of individuals and athletes look, feel, and perform at optimal levels, through his system of scientific results oriented programming.
Jason Zaretzky is Rockland County's go to fat loss expert and owner of Optimal Performance Training Center located in Rockland County NY. For a FREE 1-week trial to his Rockland County Bootcamps, to experience the best fat loss training in Rockland County please visit
For more information on the bootcamp solution, visit and see how a real results based bootcamp type workout is properly conducted. Jason Zaretzky has developed the fitness bootcamp antidote - the Optimal Fitness Express! The fastest, most efficient way to look, feel, and perform your best.