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Keeping your diet on track! How to avoid the weekend Pitfall!

By Julie Prince

Let’s face it the weekend tends to be the time we overeat the most. Here are some tips to avoid the weekend diet blunders you should pre-plan what you are going to eat over the weekend, have plenty of healthy snacks on hand. Make sure that you have done some grocery shopping before the weekend hits so that you will not be tempted to indulge in fast food or eating out too much. If you must eat out plan in advance and make sure the restaurant or fast food chain have a low calorie menu. Most places now have menus available online. Make sure you choose wisely!

Allow yourself two cheat meals; per week so that you do not feel deprived, just keep them to 1,000 calories or less. This may sound easy but check the calories you can easily go over this by having a full meal of steak, loaded potato, a glass of soda and cheese cake for dessert…so be careful.

Do all of your social activities revolve around food or eating? Well if they do this could be sabotaging your best efforts to lose weight. It really doesn’t matter how good you are all week if you ruin all your efforts over the weekend by over indulging. To keep this in check stick with the two cheat meal rule religiously. Plan get togethers with friends for other things besides eating and drinking.

Schedule walks with friends or softball games, volley ball etc…. Soon your friends will be thanking you for being such a good influence!

Skip the popcorn and soda at the movies. Little changes like these can reap huge rewards to your waist line! Don’t let your friends talk you into making bad decisions…they will respect you for standing your grounds---when it comes to weight loss. They may even pick-up on your good habits! Reward yourself with a new pair of shoes or something you have wanted, non food related, for sticking with your diet. Chances are you saved money on not eating out anyways!

Start with implementing one of the ideas above for the next month and then add another, before you know it they will be a habit. The hardest part of weight loss is overcoming bad habits…with a little will power perseverance you can do it!

To recap: Tips to avoid overindulging on the weekend.

1) Grocery shop before the weekend and stock-up on healthy foods.
2) Stay away from fast food and restaurants. If you must eat out check the menu online and choose wisely.
3) Give yourself two cheat meals per week to avoid feeling deprived. Make sure to keep them less than 1,000 calories.
4) Schedule activities with friends and family that does not involve eating and drinking.
5) Skip popcorn and soda at the movies
6) Start implementing one of these tips immediately and stay on track for at least a month so that the behavior becomes a healthy habit!
7) Reward yourself for following through with a non-food related item!

About the Author:

Julie Prince CPT is the Founder of Fit Women of Orlando; founded in 2009 the group has grown to over 370 local women. The purpose of this group is to provide a safe, fun, inspirational and welcoming environment for women to connect and stay or become healthy. This group offers a variety of activities, running, biking, and Private Personal Training and Boot Camp Style workouts just to name a few--so no getting bored.

To learn more about this topic and how to truly get in shape contact:

Julie Prince
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Fit Women of Orlando