For many people who are overweight, the importance of controlling their weight has been insignificant. The realm of diet has been around for many years, and still today a lot of obese individuals are fighting against this epidemic. In fact 65 percent of the United States population is overweight and 35 percent is obese. Because obesity is such a detrimental factor and can lead to various health disorders such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, many studies on diets have been conducted to find a solution to improve weight loss. Most of the studies conducted by scientists revealed a low-carbohydrate diet seem to be the solution to reduce the risk of obesity. Today, the Atkins diet which promote that eating more fats, more protein and less carbohydrates is regarded as one the effective weapon targeting obesity. The question many dieters are asking is, since the Atkins diet is so attractive is it deemed to be safe? The purpose of this article is to provide a few information about some of the cons about the Atkins diet and its safety.
The attraction of the Atkins diet is amazing to many dieters; perhaps this is the number one reason why the overweight society is emerging so fast in Dr. Atkins diet plan. The diet shed off a lot of pound without starvation. The need to count the calories intake as in a traditional low-fat diet is not even necessary. On a nutritional point of view counting a calorie is important because a calorie is a calorie no matter what food substance it comes from. Most dieters who are relying on the Atkins program are unaware of any significant effects in the long run. Is there significance in the long term? Since the Atkins diet regimen contradict the overwhelming majority of research on how to healthily lose and maintain weight, most public health professional are not in accord with the diet plan.
In a study conducted at Harvard Public Health, Penelope Greene said, ? People eating and extra 300 calories on a very low-carb regimen lost just as much during a 12 week study as those on a standard low-fat diet?(1). Based on Greene statement it seems people on the low-fat diet lose weight. Even so, there are many indicators that come into play with a successful diet and the outcome will be different in each individual who is attached to any diet plans, not only the Atkins. It has been concluded that most individual who embark on a journey of weight management will see short-term result. Most of these dieters who embark on these diet plans journey, Atkins being one of them today, will most likely regain the weight back. The body main source energy is fat. The amount of water that the body holds and needs to hold is approximately 90%. Keep in mind that the main goal of the body is to retain the weight, so unless there is some type of physical training regimen and some sort of guidelines for exercise while on these diets, the result will not last for a long period of time and people will still be overweight and obese.
Dr. Atkins say in his book, Atkins for Life, "Atkins for Life is for people who recognize that controlling carbs is a healthy way to eat and want to learn how they can eat that way for the rest of their lives (2). Beta-oxidation, the breaking of fat metabolism is always going on whether there is a diet involve or not. Therefore most of the tissues in the body are using fats. Staying on a diet for the rest of your life will not have a significant effect on weight loss. As the body?s cell is degenerating with age, the rate of metabolism also change, and most individuals tend to gain weight, therefore whether controlling carbs will be a better way to eat, that reasoning will not manage weight loss in the long run. Lifestyle is another important factor that could affect weight loss and there is no feasible way that some one will age while able to control carbs to stay healthy. Nonetheless, many studies have proved that high carbohydrates can lead to a healthier way of living therefore controlling the risk of obesity. In fact, the majority of populations that are healthy rely more on a high-carbs diet.
Other subsequent studies have shown that diets such as low-carb, low-fat, high protein have a tremendous effect in weight management. The elimination of fats takes away the taste and the texture of the food is different. Plus, many of the dieters usually do not even adapt the recommended exercise protocol, which is only 30 - 60 minutes and three times a week. Based on many high carb diet studies, there will be a significance in weight management, decrease in adipose tissues and visceral fats, but only for a short duration, more like 6 months. Gradually, after that short period of time most dieters start to gain the weight back. A good example about the significance of hig-carbs comparing to the Atkins diet is in Asia. The majority of Asians caloric intake is strongly based on carbohydrates. Their food intake consists mostly of high carbs sources such as rice, grain, and vegetable. Of course they ingest a lot of protein too from fish. The point here, it is clear that Asia is one of the continent that has the lowest rate in obesity, coronary heart diseases, and cancer.
Today, the Atkins diet is trying to revolutionize how it will be better to follow a high fat, high protein diet. The popularity of low carbohydrates regimen has been in existence in many Europe and the United Sates for many years, and the percentage of obesity is still high and the risk factors associated with it are also high. The results and the testimonies about low-carbohydrates diet are still lacking for some individuals, so, how exactly the Atkins diet will benefit individuals then? According to Dr. George Blackburn, associate professor of nutrition and surgery at Harvard Medical School and an organizer of the coalition, ?Despite the popularity of commercial weight-loss programs, dietary supplements, and diet books, obesity is more widespread than ever. Some books advise a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet; some advocate a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet; while others say just cut down on calories. And too many popular weight-loss programs do not disclose data on how much weight their customers lose and keep off. Most plans provide limited scientific research on the safety and effectiveness of their plan. It?s no wonder that people are confused... and fat?(3).
Most of the United States population do not exercise regularly and consume excess calories of fat are seen as the primary factor for obesity. Obesity is a very complex issue and reflects on a lot of psychological issues. The truth is social issues; genetics, medical problems and gender contribute a lot to obesity. So, when doctor Blackburn say that too many popular weight-loss programs do not disclose data on how much weight their consumers lose and keep off is absolutely true. A lot of people on a weight-loss program, in a study, sometimes do not show great results due to some of the secondary factors above. Anyhow, by having so much Atkins product everywhere and limited portion size at restaurants does not mean dieters will lose weight. Yes it may be effective for some people, but not for others. Also, why making fat foods more accessible and cheaper, will that help with obesity and weight loss? Perhaps it will, but for the most part this is a question that needs to be answered after more evidence can be proven.
Dr. Atkins published his first book in 1972 and various studies were already published about low-carbohydrate diets. The concepts of Atkins for Life are related to the first book published. The Atkins diet, which promotes eating more fats, more protein and fewer carbohydrates, is still questionable by many researchers. It is believed that the Atkins diet is effective for short duration but not for a long run. Most Atkins followers will most likely gain their weight back due to social issues, psychological factors and genetics. Low carbohydrates diet and controlling carbohydrates intake, which has been in existence for over 25 years has not been a great success for obesity. Atkins diet will most likely not have a significant success in the long run either. Paradoxically, there will always be more diet invention about obesity and weight loss, but obesity will still remain one of the contributors to heart diseases, cancer, and death.
If you truly want to take control of weight management, it is imperative that you chose to do some form of cleansing to purify bodily various functioning system. This step should be done prior to embarking on a weight loss or weight management program. It is also imperative to follow an exercise program that is customized only for your needs. The body will combat with the adversity of obesity and weight loss better and more effectively when exercise is implemented.
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1. Low Carbs Dieters Can Eat More October 13th 2003
2. Robert C. Atkins., Atkins For Life. March 2003: pp 5-8
3. Atkins Diet & Low Carbohydrates Weight-Loss Support
Ibsen Alexandre
Health and Fitness Professional
Bodybuzz Fitness LLC
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