Nutrtrion vs. Diet
By Lisa Olona
Weight loss is a journey. On our journey to becoming strong and healthy individuals it's important to exercise, as well as feed our bodies the nutrients it needs. We can get so overwhelmed and confused by all the different fad diets being presented to us for our weight loss goals.
These fad diets can sound so logical, and better yet, so simple and quick. The question is, are they healthy? Are any of these fad diets going to lead to a truly healthy lifestyle and long term weight loss? The truth of the matter is, you can have that healthy, lean physique without sacrificing your health.
There are four categories of macronutrients, and each one is crucial in order for your body to function properly.
1. Carbohydrates - provide energy
2. Proteins - help build and repair tissue
3. Fats - help protect internal organs
4. Water - crucial for various chemical reactions in the body
Each one of these macronutrients has a specific purpose. In other words, if you go on a high protein diet and sacrifice your carbohydrates, then you are missing out on your source of energy. Notice above I said each nutrient is crucial. This means you NEED it!
It sounds so great and easy to think you could take a pill, for example, and achieve weight loss quickly. Just remember, you will only feel like you're taking one step forward, only to fall 5 steps back. You must give your body what it needs. You must feed it, exercise it, and keep it all in balance. On a fad diet, you could lose those 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but think long term. Will that weight be back in 6 months? How about losing that 10 pounds over 6 weeks, and being confident knowing that weight will stay off? Not only will the weight stay off, you have now trained yourself to eat the foods necessary to keep it off.
When it come to weight loss and management, think healthy, think complete, think balance.
About the Author:
Lisa Olona has helped hundreds of women lose weight and get into the best shape of their life. Read incredible success stories at her website