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Reward Yourself for Progress

By Lisa Olona

Fitness Boot Camps for Women can help you achieve goals. Many of you have attained great results and amazing progress in your fitness goals. Now is the time to reward yourself for that progress.

If you are feeling you've hit a plateau, stop for a moment and think back to where you were before you started your new fitness routine. Look at pictures, or pay attention to how differently your clothes are fitting. Reward yourself for that progress. Your reward could be as simple as acknowledging how far you have already come. This will give you that sense of accomplishment, lead you to feel good about yourself, which can then motivate you to push to the next level in your fitness program.

Once you have acknowledged your progress and rewarded yourself, start to challenge yourself. Find the areas in your nutrition plan or in your fitness routine where you can clean up or push harder. Always expect plateaus in your journey, and also know that it's going to take pushing yourself to the next level to break that plateau. It's time to sort through your nutrition plan, and see what you can do to clean up your diet even more. Additionally, find areas in your workouts where you can push a little harder to challenge your body and force that next level of change.

Remember, this is a lifetime journey. Ultimately, you will be able to achieve all of your fitness goals. Part of that journey is giving yourself that pat on the back for how far you've come, and finding new ways to challenge your body and force that next level of progress.

Just remember, you truly can do anything to which you set your mind!

About the Author:

Lisa Olona has helped hundreds of women lose weight and get into the best shape of their life. Read incredible success stories at her website