The term "Super Fuel" applies to the foods that naturally accelerate your metabolism and help incinerate body fat while providing key nutrients to the cells of the human body. These foods are typically natural, whole, and in many cases fresh.
Examples would be low-glycemic carbohydrates and vegetables, lean meat or protein sources and omega-rich fats. In a way, these foods are similar to higher octane gasolines. They burn hotter, cleaner and make the faster, more expensive automobiles run better.
If we fuel these higher-end cars with dirty impure fuel, they wont run as good, just like our body doesn't run well on bad foods (and our bodies are worth a heck of a lot more). With bad gasoline and not keeping up with basic maintenence, even these very well-built and expensive high-performance automobiles will stall out and have more problems.
More problems that require spending more time in the shop getting repaired than out on the roads enjoying the drive. Anyone that has ever been to a service station for a 75,000 mile service can tell you that repair charges are not cheap, but then again neither are the doctor's office or hospital visits.
So, clearly it goes without saying that we truly are what we eat and the better the quality of food (fuel) we consume the better our bodies will function and operate for us; the less time we will spend being sick and tired (or sick and tired of being sick and tired).
By choosing the right foods, not only can you reverse the signs of aging and turn back your body clock but your body will natually become more efficient at metabolizing calories. Your body wants to feel good and stay lean, so you'll be suprised when you start including these "Super Fuel" foods into your regular meal plan how quickly your body will shed unwanted body fat, excess weight and inches.
The number one mistake that most people do when they want to lose weight is cut way back on calories. To the dieter, the thought process is, the less calories I consume, the more weight I will lose, however the body works in an entirely different way. The human body is a complex machine made up of all kinds of systems which require energy to operate, much like your car.
Except unlike your car, the human body will burn energy whether we fuel it or not. But the human body is also intelligent in that it strives for efficiency, so the more calories you restrict your diet, the slower your metabolism will become. The trick is to fuel the body with the right amount of calories and make the metabolic flame burn even hotter through not only the type of food, but also the quantity, quality, timing and sometimes the combination. Add in moderate aerobic and resistance-training exercise and you will burn away excess body fat in no time!
Eric Sutton is a certified personal trainer with The American Council on Exercise (ACE), certified fitness nutritionist with the National Endurance & Sports Training Association (NESTA) and owner of Fitness Together in Ashburn Virginia. You can visit his studio at or learn more about his private personal training services by calling .
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