I’ve heard a lot of different opinions from many different people regarding syndrome X and for a long time I have witnessed many women in their mature age that did everything under the sun to tone up and lose weight but still never scratched the surface of satisfactory weight loss goals. In fact, one of my clients at one time was also my general physician. I saw her for routine check ups and she came to my studio to workout. She’s a great lady. A very down to earth caring person and she’s got the degree to back it up. The problem was that she was really good at diagnosing colds, flu’s and ear infections but those are so obvious and she saw it everyday. She had a harder time answering her own question. “I’m working out, eating better and I haven’t lost a pound. It doesn’t make sense.” She, like many women, struggle with what should be and what is. When it came to her own weight loss problem she couldn’t put a finger on it. Now, I wasn’t about to tell her my opinion, I don’t know why I didn’t, I had a better answer for her than what she had, even with all the degrees and years in school. But because, I didn’t have the medical degree, I gave zero medical advice. That was her job. But, I did ask her, if she believed there was such a syndrome as Syndrome X. She flat out told me that there really was no such thing. My conclusion that I developed when I walked away was that my doctor needed some medical advice.
Now I’m not doctor, but I’m not idiot. See, I used to have this gung-ho attitude that as long as you ate right and exercised, you should never have a weight problem. This is true for the most part, if you took care of your body from a very young age. The reality is, most people don’t know how to take care of themselves on a fitness and nutrition level. Even if they do know these things, it’s another thing to take action for a lifetime. The majority of people in America are just getting by with very little exercise and relying heavily on fast food. It’s this lifestyle that seems to be a large part of the problem.
See, over the years of working with the typical client that have struggled with their weight for many years, I’ve learned that there is a multi-pronged problem and solution to many of plaguing weight problems. Have you ever had trouble losing weight at some point in your life? Does it take extreme measure to lose just a few pounds? Do you exercise 3-5 days a week? Do you eat 4-6 small frequent meals made of a lean protein and complex carbohydrates each day? Do you take supplements that help keep the body running in high gear? I had a conversation with a nurse the other day that only loses weight when she goes on a 800 calorie liquid diet. I burn more then half of that in a 60 minute workout. If it takes this to lose some weight, you’ve got a problem.
Syndrome X is a termed syndrome for an inadequate and inefficient metabolism. The symptoms run from low energy, loss of appetite, weight gain, lowered body temperature, muscle loss, and more. It’s been explained to me from one of my physician colleagues. According to Dr. McMinn, “Syndrome X is not caused from a hypo-active thyroid, as often as most can figure but is more than often found to be common and in line with diabetes type II. The body just isn’t insulin sensitive anymore and the cells no longer are responsive to receiving insulin. This can be developed from poor eating habits as well as a genetic disposition. We often have seen this in larger percentages in female African Americans.” So the multi-pronged theory is true. It’s a little bit about exercise, proper nutrition, genetics and hormone optimization. So it’s still a choice that can be made. Although you cannot change your genetics, you can control your metabolism by exercising consistently, eating healthy food, and seeing a specialist about your concern for where your hormone functions are. Get tested if you think your body is not functioning right. Then take action on to increase your metabolism naturally through nutrition and exercise. There is a cure for syndrome X, its through exercise, nutrition, hormone testing and replacement. With this well rounded approach you can do great things, so don’t throw in the towel.
Article written by Rodney Golden. A certified personal trainer and owner of two Fitness Together Personal Training Studios in Hoover, AL. He can be reached concerning personal training programs and fitness seminars at or
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