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The Secret Formula for Weight Loss!

By Sentil Stone

I’m amazed at all the money and time people spend on diets. Many will see short-term results with their diet program but few will enjoy long-term success in keeping the weight off. Most gain all their weight back and then some. This usually leads to frustration and defeat. It doesn’t have to be this way. In this article I’m going to shared with you the “Secret Formula for Weight Loss!” It is a secret that is so obvious that for most people it remains hidden from view. I’ll not only reveal it but I’ll also help you learn how to apply it. The secret to weight loss is found in the following formula:

Calories In vs. Calories Out = Weight Gain, Weight Loss or Weight Stays the Same

The formula is that simple and the secret to weight loss is in how to apply the formula. “Calories In” represents the calories you bring into your body through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink. “Calories Out” represents the calories your body burns up based on your metabolism and the activities you participate in. If the “Calories In” are greater than the “Calories Out” you will gain weight. If the “Calories In” are less than the “Calories Out” then you will lose weight. And, if the “Calories In” is equal to the “Calories Out” your weight will stay the same.

Application of the Secret Formula for Weight Loss You could pay someone to do extensive testing to determine your basal metabolism and how many calories your body burns up per day. You could even have somebody analyze your food intake to determine the number of calories you consume on a daily basis. But there is an easier method to determine where you are at in controlling your weight. Just ask yourself this one question: “Has my weight stayed the same over the last four weeks?” Your answer will reveal what you need to do in relationship to weight loss.

If your weight has been stable over the last four weeks, then your “Calories In” equals your “Calories Out”. If your goal is to lose weight, then the application of our formula becomes extremely powerful because you have three methods for losing your weight.

We will discuss these methods in greater detail in just a minute. But first we need to address those who have seen there weight increase over the last 4 weeks. Let’s say you’ve seen a 2 pound weight gain over the last 4 weeks. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. By using the following formula you can calculate (on average) how many extra calories you are consuming on a daily basis over your caloric expenditure:

# of pounds gained times 3500 divided by 28 days equals extra calories per day 2 x 3500 divided by 28 = 250 calories per day

Using the above example with this formula, you are consuming 250 more calories each day than what you are burning up through your metabolism and activities. Using Method 1 would require you to decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories to stop the weight gain. If you used Method 2, then you would need to increase your activity level by 250 calories to stop the weight gain. Or, you could use a combination of Methods 1 & 2 to eliminate the extra 250 calories per day so that your weight remained stable.

Method 1 – Reduce Your Caloric Intake!

The easiest and fastest way to drive your weight loss program is through Method 1. Method 1 doesn’t have to be an extreme program of caloric reduction. You didn’t gain all your weight rapidly but over a period of time. So, look to eliminate 50 to 100 calories at each of your meals. Here are some suggestions:

To help you in your search for ways to reduce your caloric intake just Google “calorie counting” and you will find a host of very good websites that will help you find alternative foods and options. Just remember if you try a new product that doesn’t meet your taste standards, than continue looking. Don’t give up and revert back to your old ways. Also, don’t cut a lot of calories out of your small meals especially breakfast and lunch. To do so will leave you low on energy and may set you up to overeat at your next meal.

Method 2 – Increase Your Caloric Expenditure!

Exercise is the primary way to increase your caloric expenditure but it will not have the same impact on weight management as Method 1. I know there are a lot of exercise people about to disagree with me but here are the hard cold facts. The average person who weighs 175 lbs and works out at a moderate level for 30 minutes will expend about 250 calories. Remember that small size order of French Fries at 210 calories. It doesn’t take you 30 minutes to eat those French Fries. Exercise is important in weight management but it is more important to your general overall health. Find activities that will naturally add to your caloric expenditure like:

Method 3 – Do Both!

This is the real key to weight management because it works both sides of the equation to drive a more effective weight loss program and weight management lifestyle. It will have a positive impact on your general overall health and be a contributing factor in slowing down the aging process.

Now you know the “Secret Formula for Weight Loss!” It’s not mysterious. It’s not complicated. It has no agenda. It doesn’t sell any type of product. But, it works all the time. Enjoy your new found power to take charge of your weight management lifestyle by harnessing the power of this equation to reshape yourself and your life.

About the Author:

Sentil Stone spent 12 years as a fitness instructor for the Rockford YMCA and was the fitness manager for Northwest Community. For the last 8 years Sentil Stone has been a member in good standing with the National Federation of Professional Trainers. You can contact Sentil at or for more information.