Are you unhappy with the way your body looks or feels and in need of a total body transformation? Understanding the law of the harvest can be the secret key to unleashing your potential to a complete, life-changing body transformation. The law of the harvest is very apparent when we are referring to a farm and a farmer. But it is sometimes harder to understand that these principles are in effect in every other area of our lives also.
There are four main areas of life we all share as humans. They are the spiritual, social, mental and physical. They are overlapping and when one is strengthened the other three are also strengthened. When there is weakness in one area it also creates weakness in all of the other areas as well.
And just because one area is strong, it does not mean the others are strong.
So, it is important to try to be well balanced in these four major areas of life to create a passionate, balanced life with peace and security. It is called the "fire within".
There are five principles of the law of the harvest. These principles can be applied to any area of your life not just fitness. Here they are:
You will reap what you sow. This is obvious if a farmer plants corn he does not expect potatoes. He expects corn. If we would like to have beautiful, fit and healthy bodies we must plant healthy eating habits and exercise into our lives.
You must sow before you reap. You would not expect to say, "I will plant later. I want to harvest now." You must sow first and give it a little time. The harvest will not be tomorrow. It will take a little while. But if we are sowing the proper combination of nutrition and exercise we cannot help but to harvest a healthy, fit body, full of energy that we can be proud of.
You will reap more than you sow. When you do start sowing what I call "Synergy" you will harvest way more than you expect. i.e. more confidence, more energy, better mental health, a feeling of well being, feeling more attractive, looking more attractive, longer life, better quality of life and way more. When I say "Synergy" what I mean is a combination of 1)Supportive Eating 2) A Concern for Muscle 3) and Moderate Aerobic Exercise.
You will reap in proportion to what you sow. If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. If you sow generously, you will reap generously. If you train two days a week and eat a good meal or two here and there, your results will be minor. But if you commit yourself to 3-5 days a week of training and follow your "Supportive Nutrition" program you will reap generously and transform yourself completely.
Then there is the law of change. If you do not like what you are reaping, if you do not like the way your body looks or feels, you can always change what you are sowing.
Like I said, this not only applies to fitness, it applies to your spiritual life, relationships, your finances, and what you put into your mind.
It is never too late. Are you ready to harvest something different this year? A lot can happen in 90 days.
John Kent is a writer, speaker and owner of John Kent Fitness, Inc. located in Clearwater, FL. With his fitness expertise, as well as warm, friendly, and approachable character, John has become a captivating and much sought after speaker on the topics of nutrition and health.
He has contributed articles to various publications and has been featured on Bay News 9, Channel 10’s Life Around the Bay and in Tampa Bay’s Best Magazine where they named him “Tampa Bay’s Body Transformer”. He can be reached at or on the web at
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