Could exercise procrastination be the number one killer of people in America? You may guess cancer, heart disease or diabetes. These would all be good guesses, however there is one “disease” that is deadlier than those fatal diseases combined!
Believe it or not the number one killer is not even a disease at all.
The number one killer of the American population and for that matter the number one killer worldwide is PROCRASTINATION!
Let me say that again, “The number one killer of the American population and for that matter the number one killer worldwide is PROCRASTINATION!”
Think about it, everyone knows that exercise and proper nutritional habits promote good health (if you don’t know that then it is worse than I thought…you are in serious denial!) why is it then that so few people make the effort to exercise and eat right?
May be they know they should exercise and change their eating habits, but do not feel like it right now. May be they do not have the time right now or may be they have so many aches and pains that are “preventing” them from exercising.
Well, those may be valid excuses but it all boils down to that nasty word procrastination.
Why does it usually take a serious health scare to force the average sedentary adult to wake up to the benefits of exercise and healthy eating? What if the doctor were to tell them they have x, y and z ailment and must exercise and eat right for the rest of their life or they will die.
Amazingly, all of a sudden the urge to exercise would finally be found. They would actually find the time to exercise and those aches and pains would suddenly disappear once they actually began moving and working the body, instead of lounging around wishing they could do something to improve their health!
Fortunately, if started early in life a healthy lifestyle consisting of an exercise and nutritional regimen may be able prevent the health related afflictions that plague so many later in life.
If you have been contemplating starting an exercise program and improving your nutritional habits do not let procrastination fester any longer in your body.
Now is the time to get into shape and feel great before you are forced to exercise, once your life is in serious danger!
Exercise and proper nutrition has been proven to reduce harmful toxins in the body, decrease blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar levels and dramatically improve the effects of arthritis and osteoporosis.
If you have been procrastinating about beginning a fitness and nutritional program, don’t put it off any longer. Start right now, today – your life could depend on it!
Peter Vasilis is a total body transformation specialist available for private and group fitness training, fitness/weight loss coaching and consultations. For further fitness and/or weight loss related questions or more information on his “Beach Body Boot Camp” fitness and nutritional program visit
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