Think and Grow Fit- Part 1
By Natalie Pyles
Truly Friends, thoughts are things and powerful things at that , when they are mixed with deciveness, a definateness of purpose, and persistance you can and must achieve them.
A little more than 16 years ago I discovered how true it is to that we really do think and grow fit. My discovery did not come about at one sitting. It came about little by little, step by step, beginning with a BURNING Desire to overcome my ongoing fears and failures of weight-loss and emotional issues. One of my chief aims and desires was that it was definate. I wanted to overcome this nagging internal voice that kept saying take action and do it now. I was ready to turn my thoughts into action, and my desires into reality. It is my hope you will have a better understanding of these principles, which lead to better Health & Fitness through your thoughts.
When the desire, and impulse of thoughts first flashed into my mind I was in no position to act upon them. Something inside of me kept nagging relentlessly and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Maybe it was that I was was out of integrity and harmony with my true values and principles. Two difficulties stood in my way. I did not know how to seek professional help that was right for my situation and I lacked the financial capabilities to pay for a professional or Fitness and Nutritional expert at that time. These difficulties might have discouraged most people from carrying out their desires. But for you and me this is no ordinary desire! You must be so determined to find a way to carry out your desire that you finally decide to travel by blind faith in-action, rather than let yourself be defeated and never really try. Only you can decide that for yourself, you know the truth deep down inside.
Maybe you do not know yet the power of your thoughts and mind and what you truelly are capable of. When you are ready you will know it, you will make the plans, and know you can truelly Think & Grow Fit.
Natalie Pyles
Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Author, Speaker
About the Author:
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !