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By Crystal Crystal Quintana

Are you dreading the idea of hopping back into a swimsuit after the long, cold, comfort food eating winter? Or perhaps you’ve been avoiding beach side activities in the recent past because you just don’t have the confidence to try your swimsuit on again. Well a solution is closer in sight than you may think, so talk up some confidence and follow these simple tips. You are sure to be ready for swimsuit season.

Write down your goals. Goal setting is the first step in setting forth an action plan. Set 2-3 short term and long. Goal setting is the first step in setting forth a plan of action. Set two or three short term goals and two or three long term goals. You will be quickly on your way to achieving a better you.

Start the day off right. Eat a healthy breakfast, and get that exercise out of the way. Add a piece of fruit to your breakfast, and get one step closer to getting in your daily 5. Set aside at least 10 minutes before getting ready for the day. Taking those small steps consistently toward healthy habits will eventually become big strides. Most people who exercise regularly do so before starting there day. You never know what may come up during the day.

Before you head out the door for the day, pack your snacks and take them along with you. This way when the 3pm energy slump and chocolate craving sneak up on you, you are prepared with healthy substitutions. Keep those snacks in view on top of your desk and sitting next to that water bottle. Nothing can stop you now!

Replenish with water. Many times we think were hungry when in fact were just thirsty or dehydrated. But you’re already on top of this one since that water bottle is right next to the snacks you packed before leaving the house. You’re armed with all the good things you need to keep you full of energy for the afternoon.

Consider smart substitutions. You don’t need to throw out all the good stuff. Start incorporating healthy substitutions here and there. When you go out to lunch for a business meeting, think about substituting those French fries with vitamin filled grilled veggies.

Find a support buddy at work or home. You can help keep each other on track toward achieving your swimsuit body.

Choose a couple of healthy recipes each week to make for dinner. Pick those quick and easy recipes filled with great seasonal fruits and vegetables to make it easy keep on track toward those swimsuit wearing days.

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