Multi-billion dollar companies are stealing your money by promising impossible results like boost your metabolism 400% or melt fat while you sleep if you JUST drink their shake, take their pill, wrap your body, or do 10 minutes of exercise on their modern day miracle machine.
The real truth is that most (if not all) of the products they are peddling are worthless - to you and your metabolism, that is. To them, the products are a gold mine, since they are raking in the profits.
Your metabolism and how it relates to weight loss is not a one and done type of venture. It takes a little hard work and a lot of self discipline right out of the gate but after that it's smooth sailing to the fitness levels and weight loss you want and deserve.
Are you one of those people who have been on an exercise program for what seems like forever, but haven't seen any significant weight loss results or maybe you have hit a plateau? Will you try anything to get fit and increase your metabolism? Are you a person who has found that your strength and endurance just isn't what it used to be? Are you still searching for that 6-pack from the Ab-Lounge? Or have you told a friend, I just have a slow metabolism, that's why I can't lose weight!
Well if any of these strikes a nerve I am here to help because they strike a nerve in me too. I can't stand when I hear people say they have a slow metabolism or they can't lose weight. I can guarantee if you are one of those people after a 15 minute chat with me, you will see exactly why you think you have a slow metabolism or you haven't been losing weight.
This article won't give you all answers to boosting your metabolism or fitness levels but it will give you TRUTHFUL and LOGICAL solutions to become the most fit you have been in years and achieve weight loss like you never have before!!
First let me tell you that the main secret to success is YOU; always has been always will be.
Now we can coach you and provide you with all the right tools you need to regain that awesome body and that incredible feeling you always loved, BUT YOU have to be willing to change your habits, be dedicated to a little hard work and be willing to accept the proper coaching that will inevitably allow you to achieve a body that rocks a metabolism like no other.
Here are the components that will help you succeed. Remember this is not rocket science but it is physical science which can sometimes be even harder to grasp. That is where my education comes into play. If you don't know my background, visit my profile at
OK, here we go!! Here is how you are going to boost your metabolism higher than it has been in years.
Let's start with the MOST IMPORTANT, which is everyone's favorite: Diet. Now if you hate diets good, so do I. The first three letters of the word sums it up, DIE and we have no desire to do so. So what I am about to tell you, WILL NOT KILL YOU! So what we will talk about is eating supportively to fire up your metabolism and lose weight.
Think about what food is and what it does for you.
Got it? Correct! It is a fuel source that drives your body by a way of calories, which is energy. Food is also something that should be enjoyed, not held over your head like the Sword of Damocles.
Calories can work for you or against you, depending on how you use them. And we can teach you how to use them as a full on assault to burn the fat, lose the weight, and crank up your metabolism.
So let's talk mindful eating or supportive nutrition which is essentially one in the same. Mindful eating is realizing that everything that passes your lips has some consequence to your body, whether good or bad. Supportive nutrition is just that, it supports you on your quest for a better body. You don't want it to bring your efforts to a screeching halt.
So what are the supportive foods and where do you find them? These are Mother Nature's goodies in their natural state: vegetables, grains, fruits, dairy, nuts, fish, meats and natures champagne: water. You will find these if you shop the perimeter of your supermarket.
When choosing fruits and vegetables you want to choose multiple colors so you can be sure to get a wide variety of vitamins and antioxidants.
Dairy products should be low-fat and cuts of meat should be lean.
Don't neglect the fish and nuts, like salmon and walnuts, where we get our healthy Omega 3 fats.
When choosing your grains look for these two words at the beginning of the ingredient list: WHOLE GRAINS, not to be confused with Whole Wheat Flour. Many times the flour has been enriched which means it has been stripped of it's nutrients. This goes for bread, cereal, rice, pasta and anything else you might enjoy.
So why stay out of the middle isles? With the exception of the healthy fats/oils such as olive or canola and a few other items, most if not all of the products in the middle isles are processed.
The processed evils are what you need to eliminate from your food intake. Processed foods are not supportive eating and they will make your metabolism crash and burn. These foods are normally calorically dense and nutritionally deficient, while the fresh foods are nutritionally dense and calorically sparse. That is why you are allowed to eat 4-6 small meals per day when eating mindfully or supportively.
I guarantee if you just begin to eat more frequently and always eat breakfast you will see your energy levels increase and your metabolism will start to work for you. With that, you will begin to lose weight and that will be a long term ongoing process, IF you stick to it.
One other thing to mention here is to avoid excess sugar which is hidden everywhere. Be sure to read my report 'Where is the Sugar Hiding?' You can find that article here on the Fitness Experts Network also.
If you are just too baffled and you need help at the grocery store shopping sensibly, check out our service for helping you to shop smart at
The second part should be regular resistance exercise, 2-3 times per week, made up of functional training. This is where your metabolism jumps thru the roof and the weight loss increases.
Along with supportive nutrition resistance training is the second most important part of boosting your metabolism.
Have you tried to start an exercise program on your own before? Did you try to do too much too soon and it totally turned you off? Logical progressions will help your body develop smoothly and safely and in turn it will be much more enjoyable.
Working your muscles in a progressive, safe manner and as a system allows you to make gains that you never thought possible. It also makes your body feel tighter and work much more efficiently. Want proof? Take a look at what some of our clients have said about starting on a well designed exercise program at
Functional training, as I mentioned previously, is basically exercising the body with a purpose. Your purpose as human beings is to carry out daily activities with ease and excel at others in which you choose to partake, i.e. sports, etc.
Sitting down at a machine and moving one limb at a time does not serve our daily purpose on this earth unless your purpose is to be a body builder.
I want you to think about this just for a second. While at home do you ever just sit in a chair and push your arms overhead 15-20 times loaded up with weight? Or do you ever just hang something on the end of your leg and extend it 15-20 times? I am going to guess here and say NO, you don't.
So why exercise that way?
You really have to think outside the box these days for exercise and this is where a fitness professional is worth his/her weight in gold to you. If you would like to start on a logical, safe exercise program that will boost your metabolism please contact us at
The third component is your cardio program. Be sure not to be a cardio junkie here. Cardio is NOT the way to burn fat and most of all NOT the way to boost your metabolism.
I am sure in the past you have jumped on a treadmill for hours, or went outside and walked mile after mile, or took every aerobics class available and in the end you still had that jiggle or softness to your body.
Why is that?
It's very simple: you used your muscles for energy, not your fat. It is a classic mistake trying to burn off fat thru this method. But what you actually did was you brought your metabolism to a screeching halt. The reason being I am willing to bet, is that you reduced the amount of food you were eating and increased the amount of cardio you were doing?
In the end you become a skinny fat person; meaning you look thinner but you still jiggle because you held onto your fat. And as soon as you change your eating habits again, you WILL put the weight right back on because your metabolism is in neutral.
THAT is why you have had to tell people you have a slow metabolism, because you killed it yourself. But don't worry, we can help you get it back, but it's going to take some work. So if you are serious about getting your metabolism back right now, contact us at
All of these things can be accomplished on your own but many times you may not have the drive to do so or you end up leaving out one of the components. That is why you can benefit from a fitness professional. We will find out where your tweaking needs to occur, help educate, motivate and guide you through your transformation.
Think about all success you have had in your life and more than likely there was a teacher or coach or someone there who sparked that idea to make you successful or perhaps lead you to that success. Even business professionals and professional athletes still have coaches to help them be the best they can be, so should you.
So if you want to create the synergy in your body and boost your metabolism, lose weight and start looking and feeling better contact us now and we will get you on the road to success.
Brian Rurak holds a Masters Degree in Exercise Science and a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education and Health. He is a certified fitness professional thru National Strength and Conditioning Association. He is a published author for a local Women's Health Newspaper and regularly presents health and nutrition seminars to the local university freshman orientation classes. His website is
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