IWould you like to make a few changes to your life-lose a few pounds...get in better shape...live the life you've always dreamed of? In this article I would like to share the "secret" or the most important factor in achieving your health and fitness goals. In fact, I believe it is the key to success in any of your life goals.
Probably the most difficult part of starting an exercise program for most is fear. The fear of the unknown, the fear of failure or the fear of not staying motivated long enough to get results. I have done hundreds of consultations with clients and the number one reason they choose personal training with us over a health club or gym is motivation. They need the accountability of a scheduled appointment with a trainer to exercise. And that is fine, but it is still not enough. We can't be with a client 24 hours a day. The people that get the greatest results unleash the power within. They have the motivation to implement the strategies and concepts revealed in this magazine.
Don't worry, it is not just a matter of having motivation or not having motivation. You can find the motivation or drive by simply understanding what motivation really is and knowing how to find yours. Simply put, you can master the science of achievement, which will lead you to extraordinary physical transformation. The bottom line is that people have within them a force that is so powerful that once they unleash or tap into it, there is nothing that can keep them from accomplishing their goals. The force that makes successful people more successful, and happy people even happier, is the same force that makes unhappy people more unhappy.
It's what causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. This force is the force of emotion. Learn the science behind emotion and you will find the secret to making a health and fitness lifestyle change. Whenever people fail to achieve their goals-more money, a better career, a healthier, more fit body -- most of the time those people will tell you it's because of a lack of resources. They didn't have the time, the energy, the money, etc. They believed that they were missing something and that belief structure is what kept them from being able to succeed.
Think about it, if you really needed the money, if you were creative enough, could you find a way? You bet. Emotions of creativity, determination, commitment, love and vision are all examples of your ultimate force. If you want to know one of the differences between someone who achieves fat loss or improved fitness and someone who doesn't, it is emotional fitness, your internal force.
In some cases, the emotion finds them. For example, a new disciple of exercise and healthy nutrition may have been created out of a sudden heart attack or learning that they are diabetic. Unfortunately, for some it takes a life changing event or scare to give them the force to make a change in their life.
However, let's not wait for emotion to find us. Let me share with you a science to finding your emotional force, three steps to developing your "motivation" and making a health change in your life. First, you must raise your standards and expect more of yourself. The most important step you take is expecting more of yourself. You can't accept that the way you are is the way you will always be. I suggest making a list of all the things you will no longer accept or tolerate. Write it down, you need to see it on paper and review it on a regular basis. Seeing this list will be a foundation in building your emotional juice.
I would also suggest creating a personal vision statement. Just as a company creates a vision for what it will achieve, you must know what your objective is, or how can you make the right decisions? All your decisions (exercising or not exercising) must be in line with your objective. These exercises are now your standards, but these exercises will do you no good unless you consistently review your standards to give you the emotional force you need to succeed.
Secondly, if you raise your standards but don't really believe you can meet them, you've already sabotaged yourself. You won't even try. You'll be lacking that sense of certainty that allows you to find the deepest of internal drive.
Our beliefs are commands, telling us how things are, what's possible and what's impossible, and what we can and cannot do. All of this occurs at an unconscious level and most of our actions and decisions are made at an unconscious level only to be supported later by our conscious thoughts. In other words, logic comes in after you have probably already made up your mind with unconscious thoughts. Beliefs shape our actions, thoughts and feelings.
Disbeliefs are ingredients for certain failure. Changing our limiting beliefs is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives. The final step after changing your standards and beliefs is making a strong commitment. You must find a way to make a commitment that binds you to achieving your goal. Tell a friend, spouse, co-worker what you plan on doing. Tell someone who you wouldn't want to disappoint.
This emotional pressure can help you find the resources (time, money, education) that you need to accomplish your objective because many times it is not a lack of resources, it is a lack of emotional force. Don't rely on luck or chance. Get the right education and direction (technology) you need to make a positive health and fitness change in your life, but don't stop there. Just as playing the piano is a skill and needs practice, so does developing your emotional force for success. Utilize these three steps to develop your skills, live life and be fit!
Pete Piranio is the owner and fitness consultant for Fitness Together in Delafield, Brookfield and Wauwatosa Wisconsin. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Fitness Management and Busness Administration from Carroll College in Waukesha Wisconsin. He is by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
He is also Editor and Publisher of FT Magazine a fitness and lifestyle magazine. He has been an expert contributed to numerous books and publications. Additionally, he is a speaker and consultant to Fitness Professionals throughout the United States. Learn more at www.FitnessTogether.net
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