Visualization is the process by which you create clear, mental images of things and/or ideas that are not physically or visibly present.
Has your body ever been stuck in a meeting while your mind is relaxing on a pink sandy beach drinking a margarita? Have you ever been so hungry that your mind can smell, feel and taste a certain food? Have you ever had a vivid mental picture of what life would be like if you won the lottery?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're already quite familiar with the art of visualization.
So what does this have to do with reprogramming your negative belief systems?
Your subconscious mind does not differentiate between that which is imagined and that which is real. It accepts everything that enters its realm as truth. Therefore, by visualizing yourself looking and feeling, not as you are now, but as you will be, you're in effect tricking your subconscious mind into believing that your desired result has already been attained.
Imagination is the first step of physical manifestation. Why? It's because all things are created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. Take for example a car, a table, a lampshade, the stock market, or the internet. All of these things had to begin first as an idea in someone's mind. Someone had to imagine their existence. Without vision, there is no creation.
This means that if you program your subconscious with a mental image of yourself as a slimmer, leaner, healthier person, and of course persistently and consistently take the appropriate actions to achieve it, your mind will accept this vision and assist your body to conform to this mental image. I suggest you find pictures of how you would ideally like to look and feel and put them in places where you can see them constantly. Also, take the time each day to create a clear visual image of how you'll look at your desired goal.
Don't just create a visual image, but imagine how you will feel when you reach your desired weight. Imagine yourself running and laughing in the park with your children, or walking into a crowded room wearing a sexy, strapless dress, or perfectly tailored suit and having all eyes on you. Embrace and savor those feelings and before you know it, you'll be living them.
Visualization, effective goal setting, and positive self-talk when consistently implemented, will transform your belief systems into more supportive ones. It's essential that you master these techniques, because they'll serve as your foundation. Your emotional and mental foundation like that of a house must be on solid ground so that you can build confidently on it.
Live by the words of author Dennis Kimbro: "There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not a mere hope or wish. There is nothing, right or wrong, that belief plus burning desire cannot bring to pass."
Shondelle Solomon-Miles is the owner of Synergize Training Studios in Hollywood, FL. She is also the author of The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide. Her website is
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