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You Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It Too A Local Fitness Expert Takes on Health Care

By Chris Gray

Is being fit, vibrant, energetic, attractive, strong, and healthy something you strive to achieve or desire....?

If so, then there is one key thing that is the backbone supporting your efforts in attempting to achieve these goals. The key for longevity in fitness and health is consistency. Consistency over time will prove to be crucial in your pursuit of peak health and conditioning.

Over the years I have seen a reoccurring problem that has reared its head much more frequently than ever before and I am concerned we are headed down the wrong path and our current health care system may be behind it!

When living a fitness lifestyle we all experience injuries at some point or another, in many cases, multiple injuries. But the injuries aren't what I’m concerned about because injuries happen; it’s the price you pay for committing yourself to a life of active living. The real problem I have is when an injury occurs and you go see a physician, the advice they give in many cases in my opinion is the wrong advice!

Now I’m not saying this is always the case. What I am saying is, in my experience when sending my personal clients to a physician to address an injury, I admittedly disagree with the advice given 99% of the time.

When someone in the general public experiences an injury or has a chronic problem causing pain while exercising, the advise from most of our physicians today from my experience has been “stop working out, or stop lifting weights, etc..”

The advice is to stop doing what you’re doing that causes pain, with no real attempt to find out what the root cause of the pain or injury is. The problem is not the exercise; the problem is generally something else. However, it’s easier to simply put a Band-Aid on the issue by having you stop doing what you’re doing to avoid reproducing the pain.

How about we find out what the problem is and fix it doctors.......? At least make an honest attempt!

When professional athletes experience these same problems and conditions do you think the doctors tell them to stop working out....? Absolutely not! Most professional athletes endure some level of pain every day but that’s the life they chose and to stop doing what they do is not an option!

Now I don't disagree that when you first experience an injury or you have a chronic pain causing problem that has significantly flared up that a little rest isn’t required. Yes, you do have to take care of that injury but the sooner you can get back into the game and start strengthening those muscles again the better; hence the goal of going to rehab following an injury.

The other issue I have is if you have an isolated arm injury or leg injury, for example, does it make sense to completely stop working out and neglect the hundreds of other muscles in the body and jeopardize your long term health...? I think not, you can work around those injuries!

Remember the key to long term success is consistency over time. What that means for your goal to maintain long term health and fitness is to keep yourself in the game. My advice to you is to invest in your own health care, always get multiple opinions, and always see a physician who specializes in your type of injury or problem. Even better, see a physician who works with athletes and specializes in your specific type of injury or problem.

Now that I’m on this rant lets bring this issue full circle and look at the big picture!

We have a health care system that in many cases does not address the root cause of the problems people are having. Instead our physicians advise us to stop doing what we are doing and take a prescription medication; which unfortunately is just a Band-Aid on the true cause of the problem.

(I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that physicians get kickback from the drugs they prescribe to their patients.......I’m just saying.)

In my opinion, this approach has contributed significantly to the poor health of Americans today, and the extreme rise in health care cost that many of us cannot afford.

The real burner here is that those of us who have dedicated ourselves to a daily pursuit of health and fitness, under the new healthcare plan, hold the burdens of those who don’t do the same on our backs.

The answer to this problem is a constant pursuit of peak health and conditioning by all. As my friend John Ashworth, The Fitness Nomad, would say. “Health care free for everyone...great, but you can’t have your cake and eat it to!”

You can’t knowingly neglect taking care of yourself then accept free health care from the government at the expense of those of us who have chosen to live healthy!

We must all do our part and be accountable for our own health and encourage everyone you know especially our kids to do the same.

We all must be ambassadors of health and fitness! Join me in the fight!!

About the Author:

Chris Gray has been in the fitness industry for over a decade now where he has made his mark as one of Delaware’s top trainers and club owners. Along with his many certifications Gray is also a best selling fitness author and is considered an expert in his field.

Gray’s latest co-authored book “3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time” hit the Best Seller’s list in 5 categories which resulted in his induction into the Academy Of Best Selling Authors.

Gray is also a regular contributor to multiple publications, most recently featured in USA Today Magazine, but it’s his experience that truly sets him apart from most making him the true expert in his field.

Chris started playing football at age 8 and continued competitively through college and into the semi-pro leagues for 4 years. Gray also an established bodybuilder and strength competitor, he has truly has made his mark in the sports. He has also competed nationally with an elite team of professionals in the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge competing in 3 World Championships on featured on ESPN.

His very unique kettlebell training center located in Dover Delaware, is literally changing lives using techniques and equipment never before seen by most.

After years of witnessing people struggle every day to lose weight and get in shape Gray realized that most gyms and fitness programs set people up to fail right from the start by not providing them with all of the key elements needed to achieve success. It’s the failure to provide these tools that results in most people’s failure to accomplish their fitness and health goals.

Gray and his team have made it their mission to provide life changing results with their highly sought after training methods as seen in the Delaware State News, Dover Post, Wilmington News Journal, USA Today Magazine, and ESPN.

At Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover, Chris Gray and his team use integrity as the backbone of their life changing program, ensuring to provide all the essential tools that most programs miss and offer guaranteed results or your money back!