Which fitness foods offer us the most benefits? Let's face it. We are not professional fitness competitors. But we do want to maintain our good exercise habits and healthy eating. We want continue to perform optimally and recover fully - and keep our family healthy along the way. We all know the top fitness foods to include in our diet: broccolli, chicken, yogurt, oatmeal...but, there are some others you may not think about. Here are some other top foods for fit people to include in their diet - so, get used to stocking up on these foods.
Romaine Lettuce
Why? Dark green lettuce leaves contain more vitamin K than iceberg lettuce. We need vitamin K to make bone protein. And, romaine provides folate, a B vitamin that helps to prevent a type of anemia and keeps your energy up.
Sweet Potatoes
OK, I'll admit, growing up, I could not stand the taste of sweet potatoes. Potatoes are supposed to be white, with cheese, sour cream and whatever other topping we could find - not sweet. Well, I stand corrected. Sweet potatoes are a slow-digesting carb that stabilizes blood-sugar and insulin levels. You get more endurance, less hunger and less stored bodyfat. Sweet potatoes also contain a ton of carotenoids which ward off cell damage from everyday metabolism and challenging physical activity. I love them now - one of the best fitness foods you will find.
Berries, Berries, Berries
Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries - eat them all up. All include powerful antioxidants and vitamins that ward off cell damage and foster cell repair. Berries, and I didn't know this - are natural pain-killers. The anthocyanins found in berries ease postworkout muscle aches. (I wish I knew that after my last leg workout!) A great addition to any fitness diet!!
Kiwis are higher in vitamin C than most other fruit. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of carnitine, a compound necessary for fat oxidation. Inadequate vitamin C may actually work against weight control - even for those who work out regularly. As added bonus, two medium kiwis contain more potassium than a medium banana. Cut them in half and scoop it out with a spoon. Easy to travel with, easy to eat.
Cottage Cheese
Again, another great source of protein. A half a cup of cottage cheese provides 14 grams of protein, the same amount found in 2 ounces of meat, chicken or fist. And, it's easy to eat! Mix it with some berries and you have an excellent, nutritious healthy snack.
Pork Tenderloin
Containing about the same amount of fat as a boneless, skinless chicken breast, pork tenderloin contains a significant amount of niacin, a B vitamin that helps to break down the carbs, fats and protein in food and convert it to useful energy. Saute it in some olive oil - Something I'm sure your whole family will enjoy.
We hear a lot about eggs. Good and bad. Egg protein is excellent because it provides all of the amino acids your body needs. And, eggs are filling. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, "women who ate an egg breakfast consumed an average of 164 fewer calories at lunch compared to a group of women who ate a bagel breakfast." Also, eggs now contain a nutrient called docosahexanic acid, or DHA - an omega-3 polyunsaturated fat that has been linked to reduced inflammation in the body. If you're watching cholesterol - toss the yellow and just eat the whites. That's where most of the nutrients are. And, so many different ways to eat eggs, they can be a meal at any time of day!
So, there you have it. Some healthy food choices that will help to pave that path to nutritious eating. Of course, don't deny yourself that craving every now and then, but, at least you'll be safe in knowing that your body is functioning in a much healthier nutritious way!!
Camelia Herndon is owner of Fitness Together is Darien and New Canaan, CT. She has helped over 200 clients acheive their health and fitness goals. Her website is http://www.fitnesstogetherct.com.
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